Episode 1

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"Are you nervous?" A girl asked as she gently brushed another girl's hair. The girl's dark purple hair draped over her shoulders and her indigo wings. Her pale green eyes were filled with worry as she combed her friend's hair.

"I'm fine, Dusk. You don't have to worry so much," the other girl said. Her hair was as black as a raven's wings and her eyes were hazel.

Dusk shrugged.

"I'm your fairy godmother for crying out loud! It's literally my job to worry about you, Githa. Seriously, I get paid to care about you," Dusk exclaimed.

Githa smiled slightly as she gently pushed Dusk's hand away and got up from her chair in front of her vanity. Dusk flew to her closest, small purple sparkles sprinkling from out of her wings, and began looking for a dress for Githa to wear.

"If I were you, I'd be pretty nervous," Dusk said as she searched through the rows of dresses hanging in Githa's closet, "Your going to your first ever Golden Ball! It only happens once every 17 years, and only every single monarch in almost every dimension is going to be there. No big deal."

Githa walked over to the closet and pulled out a dark green gown with gold trim and loose sleeves. She went back to her bed and laid it down.

"You're lucky your family's hosting the ball this year," Dusk continued, "Do you know how horrible it is to travel through dimensions? It makes you so sick!"

"Do you mind if I change into my dress?" Githa asked, turning her head towards Dusk.

Dusk nodded, a frown on her face, and flew out of the room.

Githa sighed as she stared at the door. She never liked being alone. It made her feel so empty inside. It's always so quiet when you're alone, and the noises you make seem to get louder. Githa never liked the quiet. That's probably why she hates living in a castle too. It was too big and empty. It felt lifeless.

She looked down at her dress and began changing into it, making sure to put her golden earrings and necklace on too.


Githa's shoes echoed across the long hallway, bouncing off of the white pillars standing on the sides. Being escorted by guards wasn't very fun. She constantly had to speed up her walking and catch up to them. It wasn't easy walking along side two guards in a really long dress and high heels.

She stopped for a second, noticing a girl with red hair and brown eyes and a pink party dress on, talking to a guard.

That's strange, Githa thought, she looks like she's from Ignis, but Ignisians only wear medal.
Githa stared at the girl, wondering what dimension she comes from. She jumped a little when her guards opened the large doors to the ballroom. She wiped the worry off of her shoulders and fixed her posture.

The girl probably wasn't any harm, she thought. She wanted to slap herself for judging someone so quickly. It was beyond rude, even if she was just thinking about it in her head.

Githa straightened up and walked into the ballroom, her shoes' clicking echoed off the walls again. She didn't like the echoes. It made everything feel so silent, so empty. It made Githa feel even lonelier.

As the huge ballroom doors opened, Githa could see her mother, staring at her.

She's probably angry at me for being late, Githa thought.

"Hello Githa," Githa's mother said, smiling, "our guests will be here at any moment, so please stand next to your sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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