"Krystina there is a dead human in our house." Y/n said.
"Oh hey, how did he get here?" Krystina asked.
"Krystina what did you do?" Y/n asked.
"What me I didn't do this." Krystina said.
"Explain what happened Krystina." Y/n said.
"I've never seen him before in my life." Krystina said.
"Why did you kill this person Krystina?" Y/n asked.
"I do not kill people that is that is my least favorite thing to do." Krystina said.
"Tell me Krystina exactly what you were doing before I got home?" Y/n asked.
"All right well I was upstairs." Krystina said.
"Okay." Y/n said.
"I was i was sitting in my room." Krystina said.
"Yes." Y/n said.
"Reading a book." Krystina said
"Go on." Y/n said.
"And this guy walked in." Krystina said.
"Okay." Y/n said.
"I went up to him." Krystina said.
"Yes." Y/n said.
"And I stabbed him 37 times in the chest." Krystina said.
"Krrrryyyyssssttttiiiinnnnaaaa that kills people." Y/n said.
"Oh oh wow I I didn't know that." Krystina said.
"How could you not know that?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah I'm in the wrong here I suck." Krystina said.
"Krystina what happened to his hands?" Y/n asked.
"What's that?" Krystina asked.
"His hands why are they missing?" Y/n asked.
"I kind of cooked them up and ate them." Krystina said.
"Krrrryyyyssssttttiiiinnnnaaaa." Y/n said.
"I was hungry and when you crave hands." Krystina said.
"Why on earth would you do that?" Y/n asked.
"I was hungry for hands give me a break." Krystina said.
"Krrrryyyyssssttttiiiinnnnaaaa." Y/n said.
"My stomach was making the rumblies." Krystina said.
"Krystina." Y/n said.
"That only hands would satisfy." Krystina said.
"What is wrong with you Krystina?" Y/n said.
"Well I kill people and I eat hands. That's two things." Krystina said.