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Jay thought that her son's happiness and smiles were her great doing of raising him.

You see, it's just her who Louis has as a family since his father...well, isn't available to be there for the family.

Jay thought Louis' childhood would contain lonely, unloved characteristics and involve questions about his father that can't be answered.

But strangely, none of these things happened.

It's truly a wonder why it didn't.

It isn't that big of a deal to Jay to pay much mind to the matter as long as it keeps the smile on her son's bright, hopeful face.

That's all she ever wants for him.

"Ready?" Jay asked her eleven year old son, spreading out his crinkled Batman costume.

Batman was one of his addictions now-a-days.


Hay nodded, standing up from the couch, house keys in hand.

"Where to?"

"Zayn's house. We're all meeting there at nine," said Louis with a eager smile.

His mum was going to take a break of chaperoning this Halloween, letting Mrs. Malik finally take over after years of suggesting it.

With his mother gone, he can finally spend time with Harry without any caution.

Jay opened the door out for Louis, "is that sweet Niall boy going to be there?"

Her voice hinted with a bit of exasperation.

Louis still didn't understand how his mum thought that he didn't know of her little crush on the third grader's father at louis' first school, Niall Horan's father.

It was embarrassingly obvious though.

Louis nodded, going out through the door with a glance behind him.

There standing by the dark hallway was Harry smiling at him.

He nodded once, telling Louis that he'll be there at Zayn's as well.

Blowing out a content sigh, Louis beckoned his mother outside.

"Let's go. Maybe if we get there on time, we'll meet Mr. Horan." Louis suggested and grinned when his mother blushed a bit.

It was painfully obvious.

And sure enough, the two Tomlinsons arrived just in time to bump into Mr. Horan at the driveway.

Thinking it was best to leave his mum alone with him, Louis stalked off to find Zayn, Niall, and Liam (another fellow who was a third grader)(it was difficult for Louis as being the oldest by two years).

Even when the four sat down in the living room, conversing of which house to visit first and which gave out the best candy, Louis couldn't help but notice glimpses of Harry behind averted eyes.

Of course, he heard Harry's voice clearly.

"Mum! When are we leaving?" yelled Zayn, with a whine.

"In just a minute! Okay, lets go you lot!"

The excited chatter grew louder as the kids ran outside one by one as Mrs. Malik locked the door and in a hurried voice told them to stick together.

Zayn, Niall, and Liam stood in the front, guiding the rest of the group to wherever they desired.

Louis purposely chose to be at the back, behind Mrs. Malik who was too busy controlling the younger ones in front from wandering around by themselves.

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