Where there is dark, there is light

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You quickly sat up, your heart beating like crazy. You had a dream where "they" took your little brother. You turned to your side and sighed in relief. Your brother, Frisk, was sleeping peacefully beside you, his back turned to you. Well, he isn't really your brother, but he means the universe to you. You smiled as you comb his chocolate brown hair. You wanted to sleep a little bit more, but with the monsters around? You can't sleep no more. A few years back, once the monsters step foot on the surface again, they took over everything. They want to wipe the humans off the earth...completely. They killed thousands--millions maybe! They even threw bombs everywhere. And eventually, while running away, you turned to an alleyway. Where you saw Frisk rummaging in a trashbin. You protected him with your life ever since. You and Frisk were alone in a ruined city. Where it's hard to find the resources cause probably most of it exploded. But both of you stayed determined. You took your satchel and took out a biscuit. You woke Frisk up. He grunted in response.

"Frisk. Frisk, wake up." You say, rubbing his back.

"Mm... I don't want to." He muttered under his breath.

"Please...? It's a new day."

His eyes were half opened now. You glanced over his shoulder. His expression was depressed. You sighed. You wanted to cheer him up.

"Frisk. What's my name?" You asked.

He turned and sat to face you. "Y/N."

"And why is that my name?" You asked.

He wore a confused look. "Um... because that's what your parents named you...?"

You smiled. "And why did they name me 'Y/N'?"

Frisk shrugged.

"Excactly!" You cheered with a wink, snapping your fingers. He knew this was your signature action when you discover or explain something (since you were the valedictorian of your class back then and loved science and quantum physics), but he was more confused. "We don't know why our names are our names." You explained.

"Huh?" He said, his head tilted. But you explain the most ridiculous and random stuff now.

"We tend to ask why did our parents named us our names. Sometimes, they say 'cause why not?' Or 'it sounds right'. Usually, it has a deeper meaning to it."

He blinked. "So...uh...what are you trying to say, Y/N?"

You pulled him close to you, hugging him. "I'm trying to say that every different name has a unique and special personality and talent on us. And you, Frisk, is one very special determined soul." You kissed his forehead.

He wore a hopeful look on his face. "Even monsters, right?"

Your feelings faded. You never actually thought about monsters being unique nor special. You always thought that all of them are the same; ruthless, brutal, foolish creatures that were actually a mistake. But you didn't want to lose his hope, so you kept smiling.

"Yes. Even monsters." You say. He smiled widely. You gave him the biscuit. He opened and started eating it happily. You stared down at the ruined city, creating an instant map in your head. You scanned the whole city, hoping for something that can help you. The ash-filled air got thicker everyday, you thought you can't let Frisk out if the air was too dangerous to breathe. Well, it already is but we have to make risks, right? A well-looked building that was supposedly a mall. It wasn't pretty, but it would do.

"Y/N!" You heard Frisk call your name. You turned with a smile. He was wearing your jacket, bandana, and mask. Oh, how you cherished this child. You chuckled as you picked him up in your arms. You tickled him in his vulnerable spot, making him laugh and giggle. "No! Y/N! No! Please! HAHAHAHAHAA!" You finally stopped, satisfied. You took your clothes from him and wore all of it. He took his own and wore his jacket and baby blue mask. You wore your black mask and fingerless gloves. You kneeled down, gesturing Frisk to climb on top of your back, he did so carefully. A magic belt appeared from your waist, wrapping itself around you and Frisk. It was something given to you from your grandmother, who married a monster. The monsters were different back then, before the war even started. Frisk clasped his hands together tightly around your neck. You learned a little bit of magic from your parents, so you were just fine with Frisk on your own.

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