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- Note,
This is a flashback to Zen and Shirayuki's wedding. This was actually a Zenyuki Week submission, but reason why I included it was because I think you guys would enjoy it and it fit in somewhat nicely. There is also a short AMV above (The song is This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory.) that I made along with this short story. I hope you all enjoy! •

Well, the day had finally come.
The day everyone worked so hard for, and waited so patiently to happen.
It was their wedding day.
After several painful years of being apart through travel and royal duties, Prince Zen and Shirayuki would finally be married. Or should I say, are married?
The ceremony was beautiful, the altar laced with white roses and yura shigure, the pathway laid out as a beautiful white carpet. Crowds of people flooded around the castle to try and get a glimpse of the ceremony. Zen and Shirayuki exchanged their vows and sealed it with a kiss, then quickly rushing to the ballroom where the reception would be held. The room was packed to the brim with nobles and lords from all across Claranies, there were even people out of the kingdom that attended including Prince Raij, who searched for the newly weds to congratulate them. The ballroom floor was littered with flowers and the walls and tall ceilings were draped with beautiful white cloth. Zen and Shirayuki made quite and appearance, coming through two large doors at the top of the stairs in the middle of the room, with Kiki and Mitsuhide coming out just in front of them, while Obi comedically walked behind the bride and groom while throwing flowers up and above their heads like a flower girl would. Zen wore a handsome grey and blue suit with a white cloak falling on his back, while Shirayuki wore a flawless white gown, laced with flowers on the neckline as well as the band of her veil. The dress was far bigger then she was used to so she stumbled a bit trying to get down the stairs— but all was good because Zen was holding her arm the whole time. Her face was red and her emerald green eyes were a bit puffy from all the crying she did during the ceremony, but she still looked beautiful either way. Mitsuhide announced their presence as "Prince Zen and Princess Shirayuki of Claranies", and quickly the ballroom was flooded with the sound of cheering and celebration. The bride and groom walked to the far side of the room, where a large table with a large beautiful white cake and several bottles of wine sat. That's where they started the night, sitting with their closest friends, talking about the day and the past they had with each other— while people quickly ran up to their table and congratulated them. They warmly thanked everyone who did and welcomed everyone to talk to them. After cutting the cake together and having a few glasses of wine, King Izana finally made his appearance known to the group and gestured to talk to Zen. Zen gave Shirayuki's hand a quick squeeze and sat up from his seat to talk to his elder brother. "Lord brother, it's an honor and a pleasure." Izana smirked and slapped Zen's shoulder "I congratulate you, younger brother. Seems you've finally gotten on the path you always wanted." Zen laughed and spoke "Well, it wasn't so easy with all the tests you put us through, but it was all worth it." Izana smiled and shook his brother's hand and replied "Good. I'm glad you're having a good time, and I am more then happy to be here today. How about you and Shirayuki have a dance? It is a tradition after all." Zen grinned and nodded. As Izana left to talk to the band, Zen returned to the table and whispered to Shirayuki, explaining the dance. "Oh Zen! You know I'm horrible at these kinds of things..." she said in a laugh. He took her hand and kissed her cheek, "You'll do great."
They walked into the center of the ballroom, while everyone stopped what they were doing and watched the couple in awe. The band started to play a slow and beautiful melody, with a simple beat as Izana requested because knew Shirayuki's limit. Zen placed a hand in hers and another on her waist, while her's went to his shoulder. She tried to focus on her feet for most of the dance, which made Zen laugh, but then he removed his hand from her's and used it to tilt her head up to his. She looked in his eyes in awe, that after so long they were finally promised to each other. They were finally married, after so much hard work and dedication to each other. They rested their heads against each other's and everything and everyone seemed to disappear. "She is mine, and I am her's..." Zen thought to himself.
They danced along the ballroom floor gracefully, but it seemed more like they were dancing along the stars. In the moment nothing else mattered. They had each other and they knew that this was just the start of their journey. They loved each other more than you could put into words, and nothing could break it. They whispered sweet and beautiful word's into each other's ears as they danced, still not breaking eye contact with one another. It seemed like time was eternal, and they loved it this way. This is what they were working for, and now they could work further, together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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