Chapter 3 - Sidebar

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Good morning dear readers, just wanted to publish my update now because I will be at the ADNFest till early evening. I hope to meet some of you later :) 

In this chapter, you'll get a glimpse of who Dei's sister is, what she's like and how much she will be a part of Richard's life before he finally meets her.  Kat is not a bad person, but she has weaknesses,  just like you and me. For now, she's the bratty younger sister but she will mature as we go on and have her own strengths, making her a formidable rival for Richard's heart. 

For those among you who have younger sisters, the kind whose age gaps are more than 2 years or more, please take care of your sisters. My sister and I had a 9-year gap in between, and as elder sister, I treated her more like a daughter because my ultimate dream was to be a mommy someday. 

During her toddler years, hindi pa uso pampers, I was the one who slept beside her and changed her nappies when she was more than a year old till she got potty-trained. I also slept beside her till we moved to a new house when I was 15, and had the luxury of sleeping on our own beds but still shared a room. I loved being older sister but I will admit there were times when she could get in the way of my adolescent social life. 

Not all sister/sibling relationships are smooth, but I hope you all try to mend anything that needs mending and enjoy the bond more while you still can. Have a blessed Sunday everyone and thanks for always reading :)

Dei was on the way out of her apartment when her phone rang. Checking her phone screen to see who the caller was, she sighed. It was her mom again. She swiped her phone to answer the call while briskly walking to the bus station.

"Yes ma."

"'s your sister—"

"Ma......I can't do this now, I'm running late."

"Just talk to her, Dei. She's been hanging around with a new set of friends and they're........troublesome."

"But she doesn't listen to me, ma."

"Please, just try."

"You spoil her, that's why. You talk to her."

"Don't get sassy with me."

"Oh, so I'm the one who's sassy now, huh ma?"

"Dei........come on."

"Sorry, not right now ma. I'm riding the bus now, gotta end this call."

She severed the connection even before her mom was able to say anything.

She plopped down on the bus seat and pursed her lips to blow some air, her bangs lifting from her forehead. She knew her mom would call again, so she turned her phone off and closed her eyes.

Her sister Kat was a pain in the neck ever since she left for her scholarship grant in the US. Maybe it was partly out of envy, because Kat felt Dei always got things easily. She had a good memory and that helped her excel in school, while Kat struggled with her academics as a result of her preoccupation with friends and boys, even at the young age of fourteen. Dei also excelled in swimming and was a varsity athlete in school, making her one of the popular senior girls in high school, while Kat was an awkward freshman.

Dei and Kat did not look alike. Where Dei was dark-haired, long limbed and tanned from frequent trips to the beach, Kat was more voluptuous. Dei had soft brown eyes and full lips, while Kat had deep set eyes and thin lips. They were both beautiful in their own way but Kat, being their mom's favorite, believed she was prettier than Dei.

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