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~Authors Note~Hey guys o;   I've decided to focus on Louis and Niall more. This story was first to be Lirry, then Zarry, I think now its going to be asdfghjkl; well, you'll see c;

Niall's POV

I'm getting sick and tired of the boys fighting. Louis, he's okay! He's my bestfriend, yanno? He feels the exact same way I do about all of this unnecessary drama.

Zayn loves Harry, Harry loves Zayn, I got it.

But then Liam has to make everything difficult, and say that he's inlove with Zayn.

Well, if your asking me, which I know nobody is, I'm just Niall, nobody cares about my opinion...

anyways, like I was saying, If your asking me, Liam lost his chance with Zayn.

He should've told him a longggg time ago that he was inlove with Zayn. But he's a chicken. So he didn't.

So me and Louis had to sit here and listen to him cry about him not ever going to be able to find love, yadda yadda yadda.

I mean, lately, he's kinda cooled down. He's been hanging out with Dylan, his bestfriend, a lot.

Well, Dylan was kind of like all of our bestfriends. He was always here to help us. What Liam didn't know, is that I knew the real Dylan, he didn't.

See, Liam thought that Dylan was this cool, calm guy, who was happy, and wouldn't take shit from anyone.


Dylan was this big ball of energy. Dylan was truly amazing! He cared for everyone, he helped everyone out, called everyone beautiful, and had a smile on his face all the time. He is the least selfish person I know.

But, unfortunatly, all of those smiles were completely fake.

I walked in on him cutting one day. He was in the spare bedroom at me and Louis' house, because he was staying the night. I was going to get him to tell him that dinner was ready, when I just, froze.

There he was, passed out on the bed, a small pool of blood around his wrist..

It sickened me.

So much.

He was too good for this. I could have never imagined him hurting himself.

But I wasn't even worried about that, at the time. What I was worried about was saving his fucking life.

Me and Louis took him to the hospital, and some odd hours later the three of us left. That's when I asked him why he would do such a thing.

Turns out, he has a pretty rough life.

He goes home every day and cries, because theres nobody there. Most people think 'Well hey, he's 18, so he must've moved out of his parents house'.


His parents died a year ago in a car wreck.

He said a drunk driver ran into them.. they died, but he left uninjured.

He told me how everyday he would pray to die just to join his mom and dad. He asked God why it was them, and not him. He was left unanswered, and hopeless.

So, me and Louis now took care of him. He stayed at Liam's most of the time, but all of his stuff was here.

I always asked him how I could help him, but he would just say that he can't be helped.

I sighed. I didn't need to be in this depressed mood today. We had a signing to go to. I needed to be peppy, hyped up, fun Niall.


There were so many people at the signing. I mean, we usually had a ton of people but damn! I swear there were millions of people here.

A petite, tan skinned girl, wearing short shorts and a tanktop that said 'I <3 Niall' on it slowly walked up to me, shaking. I smiled and held out my hand to shake hers, and she just stood there, frozen. I laughed a bit and grabbed her hand.

"It's alright sweetie, I'm just a normal person, just like you." I let go of her hand as I grabbed a picture.

"What's your name, cutie?" I said, as she blushed.

"M-Melissa" she said, looking down, still blushing.

I signed the picture with 'Hey Melissa, stay perfect! Love, Niall' and handed it to her, while standing up to hug her.

She smiled a great big smile and moved on to meet Zayn.

After her, I saw another girl come..

She was about 5'2, and had amazing red hair.

When I say red, I mean like, Ariana Grande red.

She was wearing a bright sundress, which went to her knees.

God, she was gorgeous. She was.. perfect.

She walked up to me and smiled a sweet smile, while extending her hand to shake mine.

I shook her hand and smiled as she said "I'm Rylan"

I nodded and said "I'm Niall" and she giggled oh so cutely.

Well, duh Im Niall.

I grabbed a picture and wrote 'Rylan, your beautiful! And your smile is contagious! Call me sometime?' I then wrote my phone number down and gave it to her.

She read it, and her face began to turn red and she giggled again.

I stood up and gave her a hug, then kissed her cheek.

She waved goodbye and so did I.

Damn, she was perfect..

I really hope she would call me.

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