Radiation Revolution

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This is the first chapter of Radiation Revolution please enjoy


The three girls cheered excitedly while clinking their shot glasses together. Mei Lee smiled brightly, her milky brown eyes lighting up as she watched a gorgeous blonde-haired man walking by.

"Now that, my beautiful friends, is why we should celebrate!" she shouted while whistling.

Lemara scrunched up her nose. "Why? Why men? Can't we just celebrate for our lives finally taking off?"

"No!" Mei and Riley shouted. Lemara sighed and reluctantly shook her head. "Hopeless, utterly hopeless!" she shouted while rolling her baby blue eyes.

All three girls differed from one another greatly; Mei Lee was a beautiful short Asian girl, with deep almond shaped eyes. She didn't have very many curves but her long, straight black hair covered whatever curves she did have. Mei lee wore thick glasses that masked her shining, milky brown eyes that were sparkled with emerald green. She was kind of nerdy but beautiful and lovable all the same. Although she was always seemingly afraid of certain things.

Riley was a fairly plain girl, didn't hide in the shadows, nor did she stand out. With bright green eyes that had a gold rim to them, she was curvier then Mei, but not by too much. Riley’s wavy blonde hair reached down to about her elbows, never shorter, never higher. She was more outspoken than Mei, but less than Lemara. Very average.

Lemara, on the other hand, seemed to be in a completely different world from the other two girls. Lemara was the type of girl who would punch you just to shut you up. Her soft baby blue eyes would make you feel invited although her short, multi-colored hair said something else. She was a punk-rock kind of girl, who was never afraid to speak her mind. Some people would take her as one of those idiotic, restless types, what with her Harley Davis motorcycle and leather jacket. But in reality, she was the most responsible of all three.

For the rest of the night, the girls hung out in the karaoke bar on South-West Street in Manhattan. Mei had gotten drunk, and then went off with a tall, red-headed man. Probably in hopes of getting laid, although it doesn't ever turn out like that, she always wimps out once their alone. 22 Year old virgin, how sad.

Lemara and Riley managed to stay pretty much sober all night. Although Lemara did try to convince Riley in letting her bring a random women home, but Riley was not in the mood to hear Lemara's sexual partners right now.

The streets of Manhattan were still lively at three in the morning, when Lemara and Riley went back to their apartment on Twenty-First. All three of the friends shared an apartment, as well as the rent.

Mei lee was sitting with the red- haired man in his pent-house, just outside of Time square. You could see everything from this sky high glass building, everything except Mei lee.

Mei lee was hiding out in his large, highly Amazon decorated, bathroom. She knew she had been kidding herself when she thought she could have sex with this random man, but she went against herself all too eagerly, now she was trapped. As an idea formed in Mei Lee's head she quickly dialed a sleeping Riley’s phone number.

Riley groaned as she rolled off her pink and purple flannel bed, to get her cell phone from the desk across the room. She shivered as the cold air bristled against her skin. "Winter sucks." she mumbled sleepily.

"Mei?" She whispered to herself as she plucked the phone from the desk. As soon as she answered the cell phone she was drowned in Mei Lee's sobbing whispers.

"I can't do it Riley! I can’t get laid! Im so scared! Come get me!!!!" She whisper-shouted.

Stupid, Riley thought to herself. "We're on our way, stay put." she said groggily. Mei spat out an array of thank you's as Riley hung up.

Riley opened Lemara’s bedroom door and jerked her up. "Fuck! What the hell chick? “She screamed furiously.

Riley sighed. "Mei wants help; she's scared to sleep with someone again."

"Again?" Lemara groaned.

"Again." Riley mocked.

The two girls set out on Lemara’s Harley Davis motorcycle to the address Mei had given Riley. It took about fifteen minutes to get through the five in the morning traffic to his penthouse.

Lemara and Riley frantically ran up the stair case to the man’s door and pounded hard on the mahogany door. Lemara looked around, admiring the red and yellow patterned hall. For an un-unique building this was pretty extravagant.

A dark red- haired man with tan skin opened the door; he wasn't wearing a shirt which gave the girls a clear view of his toned muscles. "If I was straight, think of the things I would do to this guy," Lemara whispered to Riley.

Riley hit Mara in the stomach. The man gave them a puzzled look. Riley pointed to herself and Lemara. "Riley and Mara, we're here to pick up a short Asian chick, she has work in an hour."

"Oh!" The man said with understanding. He ushered them into the doorway with his bear muscled arm. 'Good pick Mei' Riley thought.

Lemara knocked on the restroom door. "Y-yes?" Mei called nervously from behind the door. "Mei, its Riley and Lemara, you have to work in an hour. Let's go." Lemara shouted.

From inside the bathroom, Mei Lee smiled brightly, thanking Buddha that her friends came to get her. Mei quickly opened the bathroom door and jump hugged Lemara. "Thank you!" she whispered to Lemara.

As the three girls started out the door, Mei's male 'friend' grabbed Mei's forearm. "Huh?" she asked stopping to turn around to face him.

The guy shifted nervously. "Here's my number, we should go out sometime soon." he said scratching the back of his head.

Mei blushed and smiled brightly. "Definitely." The three girls took their leave and quickly drove home.

Two hours after getting home Mei and Riley both had to get to their jobs and Lemara to college five hours later. Being the only one able to sleep. Before Riley went to work, she worked as a fashion designer in the big city; she always watched Mei Lee report weather on the CWN television station.

Riley turned the television on but instead of the usual weather, the screen showed a scene in Ohio. There was a nuclear power plant that broke down, but rather than exploding, radiation leaked out.

Riley sat on the bland brown sofa and watched the screen. As she watched, a spider started to grow and become huge. It was a black widow spider with a red diamond on its back. The spider was as tall as a six foot tall man. Then it morphed.

It's bones broke and readjusted gruesomely, making Riley's stomach churn. It morphed in to a naked woman with fiery red, mess of curls, hair. Then shifted right back into the humongous black widow. The large spider lunged toward the camera man, twenty feet away from it. There was a scream, and then the screen went to static.

'Is this just some hoax?' the reporter back at the station said, 'Or are we really under a crisis of a bug takeover?'

Riley stood up and ran to Lemara’s room, tripping and jumping over whatever stood in her way. "Mara wake the hell up! I need logic!" she screamed.

From the living room, you could hear the reporter say one last statement, ' Are we under a Radiation Revolution?'

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