i got tagged agian

15 4 4

yippee kaiyay.  i got tagged by SkylerSkyWing  (thank u buddy)

So I guess it's some confession thing, meaning I gots to tell u something about me. -._______-.) fun
Anyways, lets get on with it shall we

I read a lot. It helps keep me distracted from my thoughts and depression. Since I spend a lot of my time reading, especially on my phone, a lot of people think I'm weird or I'm too attached to my phone to even care about anything else. Which is not the case. Reading just keeps me from having a mental break almost every 6 hours. It hurts to know people are slowly leaving me but that's better than breaking down in front of people.

But let's all try to stay positive. I'm trying my hardest to fight the depression. Wish me luck

So that's all.
Here are the people I tag
Bye bye. ( ・∇・)

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