You know how you lose something til its gone well i lost everything but my siblings. To the eyes of very one im the problem that mistakes happen to them. Because im adopted but my siblings are the only people who talk to me except my Grandpa and His sister. But i guess i did this to my self i got to attached and when they turned their backs on me they took alittle piece of my heart with them.
Sorry but i can openly express how i feel on here then in the real world.
This world is just to cruel for me its filled with monsters that cant accept the fact that they have everything in the world but they act like they dont.
Maybe its just me but i know im not loved by my family its just the way they look at me its not like when i was little their eyes look at me with disappointment and disgust thats how they look at me now.
But the thing is i hide it with a smile
I think if i hide my pain it will make me feel better but soon i felt empty.But i know im running from it i guess im not strong enough to ever be accepted by them.
Maybe if i end my life they will see what they did to me but that would be to easy so im going to work hard for it.