Taken from me
Just when it goes right
The universe takes my world
And turns it upside down
Snatches you away
And makes me blind
Without a clue about what has happened
Or what I did to make things change
I seem to be slowly sinking
In a pool of depression
With no one, to save me
And my now, soon to be lifeless body
So I stop, think, and decide,
To let myself drown
I let this pool fill me with its promises of salvation
And I go
Deeper and deeper
Until the world I once knew is gone
And I am breathing in blackness
My lungs, yearning,
For oxygen this pool cannot provide
So I count the beats away
And then? Silence
I open my eyes to new beginnings and fresh starts
At least, the light ahead promises that
I slowly step up still cautious of this new being
But it welcomes me
Into its comforting warmth
And for the moment, for once
I was actually.... Happy