Mine - Bradley Simpson Fanfiction

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Jennifer Lockheart

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at six thirty. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes as i made my way to the bathroom. God did i look like a train wreck. I groaned as i looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was all sticking up and my face was just terrible. I stripped off my shorts and t-shirt as i stepped into my new shower. I let the water soak me as i applied the shampoo and conditioner. As i dried myself off i walked into my bedroom with the towel around me like a dress.  It was a cold day at London today. It's my first day at college too. I just moved here from Manchester because my so called mum and dad got a new job here. They're literally at work from six till twelve at night! So i grew up by myself and am alone most of the time. I was alone right now. I put on my underwear and got changed into my jumper, skinny jeans and my vans. Just a casual look. I had to walk to school so i wanted to go quite early since i dont really know where it is. I decided to straighten my hair and put on a simple line of eyeliner with some cherry red lipstick. You need to make a good first impression. Once done i grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I took a granola bar out of the cupboard and decided i would eat it on the way. Before going out the door i put on my leather jacket and penny board. As soon as i stood out the breezy London air hit me. I locked the door and put my keys in my bag. Before setting off i checked my phone for any messages and like always i was unpopular, i had none. So, i put my phone in my back pocket whilst putting in my earphones and started listening to Another Love by Tom Odell. I loved this song. I skated down the street and round the corners of the instructions my father left me. But as i turned a corner i bumped into someone and fell right on my butt. My skateboard carried on going as the person i bumped into turned around. He was gorgeous! He held out a hand and i shakingly taken it as he helped me up. 

"Watch it there love" He said with a smirk.

"Sorry" i mumbled as i walked past him. One of his friends stopped me and gave me my skateboard as he ran and picked it up for me.

"Thankyou" I whispered as i carried on skating down the street but as i turned around all of them were looking at me so i quickly looked forward again. Who were they? There was four of them and they were might i say all very attractive. But the one who helped me up. Wow! He had brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes you could get lost in. I noticed a couple of piercings on his rosy lips and one on his eyebrow. I finally stopped thinking about by the time i reached hell. School! 

I put my skateboard in my backpack and started walking up the stairs as i got lots of dirty looks from all the students around me. As i opened the door and walked in, i made my way to reception to get my timetable. I walked into the office. A old lady looked over to me. She smiled and said,

"How may i help you?" I smiled back.

"Urm, im a new student, i'm here to register" I answered. I was so nervous yet i don't know why, we always move but here seems different.

"Ah yes, you must be Jennifer Lockheart. You just need to fill in these two forms and  i can get you settled into a class"

I finished filling in the forms and handed them to the lady.

"Okay let me just print out your schedule for the week" The schedule came out the printer as she handed it to me with a smile.

"Thankyou" I said as i made my way to my classroom. 206... 205... ah 204! I walked into the classroom and all eyes were on me. There was a guy teacher who was quite attractive for his age.

"Hello, im a new student in this class" I said walking inside.

"Ah, miss Lockheart. Everyone this is a new student Jennifer Lockheart from Manchester. take a seat over there Jennifer" He said pointing to a seat near the back of the classroom. I was in between a boy and a girl. The girl was really pretty and the boy was really handsome too!

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