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Maxwell's POV

Summer break is almost over and to my dismay, school starts tomorrow. I have a feeling that my junior year is gonna be the same as my sophomore and  freshman year. Those same fake smiles on the same fake ass people. Ugh! Sometimes I wonder why they even bother when we're probably never going to see each other after high school again anyway.

As I look around my beat down room, I scavenge for my phone so I can navigate my way through my dark ass room. The light from the window hit my poster that says "hang in there" with the little cat that hangs from the tree. I chuckle to myself knowing the fact that it was a little corny gift I bought myself. "The light switch is so far away, and I don't wanna get up" I groan as I force myself to get up. "Gahh!!! I've been blinded!!' I yell as I finally find the switch. "Aha! There it is"  I say to myself spotting  my iPhone that's sitting on my nightstand. As usual, no messages because I have no friends. Well aren't I popular! I give myself a sad smile thinking of my sad,sad social skills.

     I look around my room and sit on my rickety old bed with a broken frame looking at the cracks and mold. The walls are white and have cracks all  in the middle of them, the ceiling has water marks from the rain, there's black mold in the corner, and my mirror even has a crack in it. The only good thing I have at this house is my own bathroom. I put my bluetooth speaker on and start playing music, "Misery business" by paramore starts to play. I lay down and turn on the tv and PlayStation. This was my day until now. As my father walks up the stairs all I hear is, "turn that shit off now!" he yells from the other side of my door. He always has to yell at me for something.  I turn it down to where it's barely audible, but that didn't stop him from yelling at me again. " I TOLD YOU TO TURN THAT THE FUCK OFF NOW, DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!" I shut it off quickly and lay in bed until he leaves. Although it's quiet, he continues to stand at my door for a good two minutes before he goes back downstairs.

             I look around my room, in search of  my credit card which is under my lamp. My dad doesn't know that my grandparents left my mom money, which she left to me and he won't ever see any it.

   I put on some grey sweatpants and a black shirt and quietly go down stairs.

"Where are you going" my dad says as he walks into the kitchen.
My dad is 6'2, brown hair, blue eyes. He used to work out but stopped after he lost his job, but he could still fuck someone up. My dad has not shaved in years, his beard is darker than his hair which is full of grease to the point where he looks homeless.

He's a damn mess.

   If it wasn't for his friend giving him side jobs, we would be living on the streets right now.

"I'm going to a friend's house for a second to see what classes she has for the school year, can I go?" I lie. He smirks and agrees to let me go. "Be back at nine or else"  he yells as I walk out the door. It is already seven and the store closes at 7:30. I run  and run until  I'm out of breath even though the store is literally  right down the street.

As I walk into Ann's baked goods, there is a lady at the cash register. "She looks mighty chipper" I think to myself. "Hey there, welcome to Ann's, I'm Ann, what would you like to order ?" she says with a smile. "I would like a hamburger with cheese and a side of fries with a piece of apple pie to go" I say as a girl walks in. "oh hi Naomi, you're late!" Ann says with a sigh. Naomi has brown hair, and blueish green eyes. She also wears glasses to cover her eyes. She's sporting cut jeans, a black shirt and a grey shawl. I'm guessing that it's her work attire. She looked over at me and I look away, I don't like people staring at me due to being very shy. " Your order will be ready in about 5 mins, you can sit over there" Ann said with a smile. I walked over to the table and Naomi walks up, sitting next to me. "So, what's your story?" she asked me bluntly. " story?" I stuttered trying to get the words out of my mouth. "Here's ya food kid and Naomi get your ass to work" Ann says sternly as she puts a box of food down. " Yea i know its a little extra than you asked but here, It's on the house" she says with a smile. "you should let me pay, I have enough money"

"No kiddo, I don't want your money"  she said from the cash register pulling out loads of money. "Kid, we have enough money, so just save it and I don't want to hear another word about money, so keep your trap shut got it?" she said giving me the evil eye.
"Where thr hell are you, its almst tiem to co,me home"  he messaged me. "Go figure he's drunk, that's why we live in this shitty ass house, in this shitty ass town, Fuck Cleveland" I think to myself.
"Hey Ann, thanks for the food" I told her as I walked out the door and went home to 'daddy dearest.'
As I was walking towards my house, I noticed a moving van about a few houses past mine. "Who would want to live here, in Cleveland" I said out loud talking to myself.

A girl with sapphire hair jumped out of the moving van and waved with her hair. I waved back with my hair while I was thinking 'weirdo much.'

    As I waltzed in my house. After a couple of steps in, I could hear the sound of my dad snoring from the living room, Ever since mom died, he stopped going to his room. It might be because of the memories he had shared with her. This has caused me to think, 'Now that I think about it, he hasn't taken a shower in a month, that is probably why the house smells like a carcass!' which had me dying at the last part.

    The house went quiet after the chuckle. That's when the snores had ceased and my dad finally awoke from his slumber. 'The beast has awoken!' I thought to myself which caused me to get scared.

    "YOU KNOW YOU ARE LATE RIGHT?"  My dad yelled. 'Tell me something I don't know...' I thought. At this point, I had already knew, I was gonna get it. Especially since he's drunk and mad.

    "Dad... I'm sorry, It's only a half hour." I apologized. Hoping he would just chill for just this once.


"Dad I got caught up with her family"


"I'm so fucking sick of you trying to be an adult! You are fucking 17 years old! You may be close to being an adult, but you will never act like one, you fucking fag. You drove your mother crazy. She fucking hated you. Your grandparents hated you. Why do you think they killed themselves after you told us you were gay??"  He yelled as he was grabbing my hair while he shook his fist.

"We fucking told them and this is why they are dead. They pretended to be happy, they fucking lied to you, and they wished that you were never born, you fucking pig." My dad said with no remorse.

He raised his fist and I yelped but he let me go and soon, the sound of the house went quiet; Way too quiet. The sound of me yelping bounced off the walls in our two story house that made an echo.

"Now go the fuck to bed. You have school tomorrow, and you better go. I don't wanna see your bitch ass no more." My dad cursed. In my head, I thought, 'But you want me here. You get pissed when I'm not here.'

I walked up stairs, crying while holding my chest. My nose had started to bleed, all the while, my head began to hurt from my dad grabbing a fist full of my hair.

Once I reached my room, I layed down in my bed crying. I could help but say, "It's all my fault!" I kept saying this over and over again, still crying until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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