What Should I Do

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Lele's point of view
I sat on my Bed crying for what feels like hours.. "LELE SOMEONES AT THE DOOR" my mother yelled. Must be Ray ugh "Tell Ray to come later" I yelled back "OK...Lele It's Not Ray its Juanpa" "FINNNNNEEEEE HE CAN COME" I wipe my tears away from my face and I pretend I have been on my IPhone. *Knock Knock* "Come in" " Ready!" "Ready for what?" I asked very very confused. "Oh did you forget we're filming a vine... Oh um We don't have to film if you don't want to" Juanpa said "Oh no it's fine"

A/N- Hai Welp That was short... Anyway PLEASE PLEASE Comment what you think Lele should do Should she dump Ray and Save her best friends or should she stay with Ray and have her best friends die Its all up to you guys... Btw I'm not going to update until some person/Thing tells me what I should do well I got to go and study BYEEEE

-Annoying Potato is out PEACE

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