Lets get this over with!

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A/N heyo I'm not dead I lost my iPad for a bit... I mean long time and guess what! I'm going to update so here it goes

Lele's POV
Since when was I going to film with Juanpa? I don't know but I would feel bad if  I didn't, we get ready to film another skit for Instagram. An hour or two of filming we finished. While filming I couldn't stop thinking what I should do, I love Ray so much but I can't stand to lose my best friends. Once we finished Juanpa seemed to catch on to me and asked "What's wrong you seem off" I look at him and say "Nothing's wrong I just just gotta go grab some Starbucks" I start fiddling with my blonde hair. "Oh well let me go with you!" He says.

"No!" I shout as I quickly say after "I have to do something before that!" I flash a fake smile. "Okay then bye Lele" He says you could see the sadness in his eyes. "Bye Juanpa!" I dash out the door and into the car as I drive to Rays house. I had come to the conclusion that I should. When I get to his house I knock on the door, he opens it and I look at him in the eye. I start to cry a little "what's wrong? Who hurt you? What did you do?" I breathe "Nothing. I'm going to break up with you." I say.

He looks at me shocked "Why?" Is the only word he could muster. "Be-because..." I start to sob "Because"

HA! Cliffhanger! What do you think Lele will do? Tell him the truth or will she come up with a lie? Stay tuned for more! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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