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The next day

I woke up in the operation room. The doctors and nurses were all around me. I was not used to this kind of stuff and I was a bit nervous. The doctor made me sleep and that's all I remember.

I woke up again and I was back in my room. I saw everyone including Jessie. She looked so beautiful. They all saw me and ran to me.

"I'm glad you're awake" Jack said and I smiled

"How are you?" Jessie asks me 

"I'm okay I guess" I reply

The others don't say anything, they only continue to keep hugging me. It was comfortable and I enjoyed it then suddenly Logan barged through the door with tears in his eyes. I smiled to let him know I was ok and he smiled back. I could tell he was relieved.

"Glenda don't ever do that to me again" Logan says

I just smile and hug the mop head.

The doctor comes in and tells us some things.

"Hi Glenda is good but she needs to stay here for another week so she can rest. Daniel's arm is healing pretty well and quickly." 

We all nod and they go out for lunch except for Jack. I ask him why and he just smiles. He's always so mysterious. They get back at around two and I already ate in the hospital. They gave me some balloons and cards and all that shit. I was so thankful to have friends like them by my side.

Back to present time

"She can go home now" The doctor says

"Thank you" We all reply

We go back to Logan's apartment and chill then I see Jonah and Ashley flirting with each other. I just smile. Then I see Daniel walk up to Jonah and whisper something to him. I mind my own business and watch some TV. Daniel suddenly sits by me even tho there are more seats he can sit on rather than by me. I go back to watching TV and he suddenly holds my hand. I blush like hardcore and hide my face in a pillow. 

"Glenda Marie, will you go out with me?" Daniel asks and I peak my head out of the pillow and smile

"Yes!" I say and Daniel smiles and also everyone cheers

I have always liked Daniel. He's a nice guy. I think I-I love him.

"I love you" Daniel says and I blush

"I love you too" I reply with a smile

I can see everyone smirk except for some people but I didn't care. I love Daniel. Right?

"Our date is at six" Daniel tells me and I just nod

Daniel kisses my hand and him and the boys go. I have a lot of time since it's only four o'clock. I'll get ready at five.

Daniel POV

I'm really excited today. I'm gonna ask her out.

fast forward time

you know what happened already

We arrived at the house and I go to my room. I then get a text from Aspen.

Asspen: heyy Daniel wanna do something? ;) 

Daniel: go back to your boyfriend Tyler

Asspen: Oh don't worry about him

Daniel: I have a date

Asspen: no one has to know about us babe

Daniel: Don't call me that

Asspen: Uggh you're so difficult
Seen 4:32

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