How you met him with happy ending

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Your Pov

You always were going on a saturday to starbucks you were in line and you heard boys behind you talk about you,
Boy 1:isnt she what for you Jonah?
Boy 2: i dont know
you got your coffe and walked to your table where you usually sit you felt eyes in your back and a boy came up to you
Boy:Uhm Hi...
You:Hi *and you smiled*
Boy: Im Jonah btw and he put out his hand and i shaked his hand Im y/n
Jonah:thats a beautiful name for a beautiful girl and he winkels at me
Jonah:can i sit here?
He sat across from you
Jonah:i have something for you...
You: you do?
He gave you a little paper you opened it and
This is my phone number call me ;)
You: I would love to bye jonah and you smiled at him and you walked out the caffe after 6 monthe he was your boyfriend

You were new on school and didnt know where the classes are you walked to your locker thats something They Showed you and you rememberd you put all your stuff inside and the principal called your name over you find the way to her Office and there was a boy standing there he was really cute Hi Im Zach he Said Hi Im y/n so the principal Said Zach can you show her around and Tell her where her classes are lucky for you you guys have the Same classes after Zach showed me around he is really sweet and we become really close friends 3weeks later Zach Said something but i couldnt hear him he took me outside and Said i like you and he become my boyfriend

You were going for the first time to guitar lession because you could sing flawless and you wanted to lead youreself on the guitar with singing no one else were new only you you were nervous because you didnt can do any note on the guitar you were struggeling with it can i help you? You heard a deep Voice say Uhm Yes please you Said Im y/n btw Im jack he Said he was smiling it was so cute he learned me what he knew so i could keep up with the class he teached me verry Well and now 2years later he is my boyfriend and we play guitar and we sing togheter

You were taking photos from the nature and some animale/pets from people you saw a cute boy walking by you couldn't help but look he looked back at you and you blushed and thought i would never see him again Lets make some photos before it gets dark hai i heard a Voice say so i turnen around and saw That cute boy Uhm Hi you Said akwardly i wanted to ask you If you wanted to make some pictures from me in this beautiful vieuw you made the pictures and when They were done the boy asked If he could see them They are so beautiful like you he Said you instantly starten to blush thank you... Corbyn my name is corbyn and what is your name gorgeous?
My name is y/n Ohw can you send me the pictures? Sure here is my number i Said and i gave him the pictures and after 1month and 22meetings he asked me to be his girlfriend so i Said yes

Your brother was Logan Paul you were Finally able to meet Why dont we because of your sweet brother but he Said That i had to sing with them for a clip from his new song and wdw and Im in it so i needed to learn the moves for in the clip and stuff we were Finally at the boys house and Logan walked in and held his hand like a gun and schoot the guys i was laughing so hard i couldnt controle myself i heard a Voice say whos That? Ahw y/n you ruined the suprise with your cute laugh Logan Said Logan shut up i Said trough the laughing wow savage the boy Said i looked up at him and i Said your daniel right? Yes Im how u know Uhm because i got cut of by Logan and he screamed BECAUSE SHE IS A FAN DUH
And Thank you Logan you Said its really cute daniel Said we sang and stuff and Yeah after 3months i asked him to be my boyfriend he Said Yes and Logang was totally fine with it!
Hi there i hoorde you like it!❤️ and again please dont mind me If i spelled something wrong but this was a long wone😂😋 Yeah love you all!❤️

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