Shame on you!

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You and Jack had something for 3 years now its your birthday and he had planned this dinner for a long time for you but lately he was only with the boys and you was happy to see him If he had time for you it was so long and you wanted to cuddle with him you sit there at the table he had made for you two the Waiteres comes and asked If i wanted something Im sorry just a couple minutes i Wait for my boyfriend the waiteres Said Okay i Will come back later i Said Okay Thank you and you sat there for like 2hours and the waiteres asked you already 52 times If you wanted to order something and she comes again like something now sweetheart? No Thank you can i have the bill please? Sure she Said i only drank some tea i payed and thought to myself he didnt even texted or called me a tear roles down your cheek as you walked outside you heard someone screaming your name Y/N!!! you ignore the boy and just walked further to you car till he was able to catch up with you and grabed your arm whats wrong? he Said this was it you turn to face him and screamed WHAT IS WRONG?! YOU LEFT ME FREAKING 2HOURS AT THAT RESTAURANT AND DONT EVEN BOTHER TO TEXT OR CALL ME THAT YOU COULDNT MAKE IT! AND ITS MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY! He screamed back SORRY I WAS WITH THE BOYS! You began to tear up and you was able to get yourself out of his grip and you screamed at him YOU KNOW WHAT JACK?! SHAME ON YOU.
Hey all i hope you like this book so far witch boy next? And sorry i didnt uploaded That much I was really busy with school you know That kind of stuff☺️ but stay youreself and stay beautiful!❤️

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