Chapter 1

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 I first realized that I was different from others when I was ten. I remember the day it happened. I wish I didn't. I wish I could wipe the incident from my mind.. But unfortunately, that's not my peculiarity. I'd better explain..

I have always been a bit of an outsider, an introvert, so, obviously when my tenth birthday came around, I hadn't wanted to celebrate. But my mother had had the great idea to invite the whole class to a party! I was furious with her, I asked her not to, told her I didn't know anyone properly (which just made her insist further that I had to have people over to 'be more social') So, I found myself on the 24th of May wearing a stupid dress and waiting for the first people to arrive. And sulking pretty much. The doorbell soon rang and I suddenly had this feeling of dread.. Something was going to happen, I knew it.

I opened the door to see Nicole with her perfectly curled dark brown hair, who promptly threw her arms around me and said with her sickly-sweet voice "OMG Ella!! I'm so excited, thanks for inviting me!" Then laughing slightly and lowering her voic...

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I opened the door to see Nicole with her perfectly curled dark brown hair, who promptly threw her arms around me and said with her sickly-sweet voice "OMG Ella!! I'm so excited, thanks for inviting me!" Then laughing slightly and lowering her voice, "I bet it'll be rubbish but my mum made me come here. At least I won't be the only person who's disappointed, because everyone will be." I sighed and lowered my head, trying to ignore her. One by one, people started arriving, I guess I tried to enjoy myself, but it was pretty hard with Nicole breathing down my back. My mum didn't seem to notice a thing, saying cheery things like "What a great time we're having!" e.t.c. Soon, the house started getting full and people decided to go outside, into our back garden. The garden is reasonably sized, at least by most people's standards, with a few trees dotted about.

I stayed in the kitchen, quietly helping myself to cake, which was meant to be brought out later but.. Oh well. Holly walked over to me, looking a bit concerned "You okay.. Um Everyone's outside, if you wanna come. It is your party." I shrugged "I'm fine in here" "No, come on, you'll be alone" "I'm used to that.." I muttered, a little morbidly I admit. she shakes her head, then to my surprise (and slight annoyance) grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards the back door. "It's just a party, you'll be fine" I shook my head but it was a bit too late by then. I stood to the side looking at everyone talking or dancing. Or spilling drinks.

I edged myself over to one of the tables outside, sitting down. Holly decided to follow me and sat down at the bright-red closest chair, being careful to avoid the one that had orange juice spilt over it. Everything was loud and pop music was blaring in the background. "So.." she said quietly, still looking at me. Oh god no.. Nicole had noticed me, which was obviously going to happen. "Hey, creep" She stalks over with a bunch of 'friends'. Holly nervously stands up and goes over to the side, still watching though. Smart girl. "Hi Nicole" I muttered quietly. I looked around, hoping my mum was outside, which she wasn't. "Looking for your mummy?" The girl asked in a baby voice and everyone laughed. I gritted my teeth, but didn't say anything. Now, I can think of a billion things I could have said but my ten-year-old self had nothing.

I try not to think about this next part.. But I guess I have to. The girl continued saying horrible things, I'm not going to rite it here. I felt hurt and ashamed, but most of all I felt red-hot fury, as if it was boiling up inside me, ready to explode. As soon as I thought that, I seemed to block out whatever things Nicole was saying to me. The clear blue sky, which was covered in small tufts of cloud a few minutes ago was now covered with angry dark rumbling clouds. I don't know how but even from the ground I felt them crackling with electricity. People stopped talking and started looking up at the sky in confusion. I heard a light bulb from inside explode. I should have been thinking, I really should, my mother was inside, probably with tons of electrical equipment. But I don't think I even realized I was doing it. The realization came later. All I felt was anger.

The electricity in the clouds all came together and lightning hit the house. It shouldn't have done any damage, with houses being built to withstand lightning strikes, but this is some kind of weird, powerful... Peculiar lightning. Everything seemed to happen in a number of seconds; the house on fire, people nearest to me.. Suddenly collapsed. They were electrocuted, i don't want to know if they were unconscious or dead, everyone in the garden was screaming and I honestly don't remember what was happening. Chaos. The oven was on inside, which blew up pretty early on. I remember realizing 'I can't stay here'. It still hadn't hit me what I had done. I ran. Somehow I got through the burning house, jumping over something that as on fire, electricity crackling, glass that I probably stepped on; I ran out onto the street. I hardly saw any of the neighbours, starting to crowd around the house. I probably looked a bit mad, with burns, scratches, my hair frizzing up, with that ripped white dress. Someone asked me something, but there was a kind of buzzing in my ears that I can't really explain. I ignored them. I started stepping towards the forest, I think

I ran.

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