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"Fuck," I whispered, leaning my back against the fence in defeat. I glanced around, praying for a way out that I had not seen until this point. I didn't come across anything new.

Ebenezer took several steps forward and addressed the crowd. The two guards in charge of watching us, started paying attention to him. They stood at the front of the cage, with their backs to us. I guess they believed there was no way we could get out of there, so there was no point in being super attentive.

I looked at the tree, our cage was partially hidden by it, meaning the crowd could barely see us. I knew I didn't have much time, but I had to try something.

"Greta! Turn around," I whispered. She was the closest to me. She did as I asked, turning her back to me. I scooted back, until I could reach her hands. I fought with the rope holding them together. At first, it wouldn't budge, but after about thirty seconds, I successfully undid the knot.

Catching on, Greta got to work on Abigail's hands, while I started on Lydia. Once freed, Lydia couldn't do mine, so Greta had to.

As soon as everyone was untied, I stood up. "Come on, guys. Hurry!" I whispered.

"What is the plan?" Abigail asked, worriedly looking at the guards.

I put my hands out in front of me. "Climb, then run. Every man for themselves," I whispered to Lydia. She put one of her feet on my hand, and I boosted her up to the top of the fence. She pulled herself over and then climbed down, a brilliant smile on her face.

I did the same to Abigail. However, when Greta was climbing down, someone in the crowd caught sight of her. "Guards! They are getting away!" A young lady yelled, pointing at Greta in horror. Greta jumped down from the fence and took off running towards the woods, in the direction that Abigail and Lydia had gone.

"Shit," I swore under my breath and started climbing the fence. One of the guards opened the door to the cage and came in, grabbing me and yanking me down. A couple of guys went after the other three girls, yelling for them to stop. I looked around, but they were gone.

"You thought you could get away from your fate? No, you deserve to die, witch, and die you shall," the guard said, his mouth close to my ear. He held me hands behind my back and made me start walking forwards.

"No! Please! I'm innocent!" I screamed, thrashing around, but the guard just tightened his hold on me.

He marched me to under the biggest branch of the tree. "It seems as if the others have escaped, so everyone be careful, because they are still running amuck around Salem. But we still have one witch to punish for her sins, while we retrieve the others," Ebenezer said to the people.

I was forced to step up to a wooden block. My hands were tied behind my back again, this time tighter. The thick noose was placed snug around my neck, already choking me. Tears streamed down my face.

"I'm not a witch. You have to believe me! This is all a big misunderstanding! I don't belong here!" I screamed. I didn't want to be stuck in this time period anymore. I wanted to see my dad and go back to my boring old life.

I looked out into the crowd and could see Elias in the front row. He stared at me with betrayal in his misty eyes. His jaw was locked tight and his muscles tense.

We made eye contact. "Please, Elias, please," I whispered it, but I knew he could read my lips, by the shake of the head he gave me in return. He averted his eyes and looked at the ground.

The crowd started chanting, "Hang the witch! Hang the witch!"

Ebenezer stood next to me. "Finally, Finley Harper will get what she deserves!" He yelled.

I bit my lip to stifle a heartbreaking scream. I was able to gain control of my tears, so I could die with at least a little bit of dignity.

I looked past the crowd to the edge of the woods. Greta, Abigail, and Lydia stood at the edge of it looking at me with horror in their eyes. It was risky for them to be here, but that didn't stop Greta from mouthing 'thank you'. I gave her a slight nod, and then all of them disappeared into the wilderness.

"Wait!" Elias yelled, pushing his way up to his brother. My heart soared in my chest. Maybe I still had a chance.

"Elias, I already told you. This has to be done. She deserves it. We must protect Salem from the horrors of Satan and his unholy crew," Ebenezer said, trying hard to push his brother back to the rest of the crowd.

"Ebenezer, try the test on her. Real witches aren't supposed to be able to say the Our Father, without messing up." Ebenezer fought it, but Elias one. I had to take the test.

"Alright, so be it. Witch, recite the prayer," Ebenezer commanded.

There was one slight problem with that. I wasn't religious. I thought back to a movie I had watched as a kid with my father, The Exorcist. That movie, and movies like it, recited the prayer they were referring to, as part of the exorcism. I didn't know if I remembered the whole thing, but I remembered some of it, since it used to be my father's favorite movie.

"Um, our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Uh, um. Shit. Something about bread. I can't remember. But this doesn't prove anything!" I couldn't remember the rest of it. It might have only taken remembering a single prayer to save my life, but I couldn't do it.

"I think we have our answer," Ebenezer said, looking at his brother.

Elias looked doubtful of Ebenezer, but moved back to the crowd, when Elias pushed him in its direction. He looked at me, analyzing me, searching for answers. I tried my best to look as sincere as possible. His gaze returned to the ground after a moment.

"No, please no. Just listen to me!" I shrieked. Ebenezer stood beside me once again.

"Rot in hell, witch," he said. I looked into his cold, hard eyes. They shot into me like daggers. Time moved in slow motion, as he pulled his foot back behind him. I glanced down at it, already knowing the outcome of the movement. My eyes returned to his, trying to shield the fear in my eyes, trying to avoid giving him the satisfaction of having scared me to the point of me wanting it all to be over.

I didn't watch, as his foot reared forward and made contact. The wooden block flew out from underneath me. I felt suspended in the air for a split second, before.....

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