Chapter 13 The past

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'Sam's POV'

'Hey, ur up early' I said eying Fabian from head to toe, he was freaking SHIRTLESS, SIRENS WHERE GOING OFF IN MY HEAD, I tried to hold my coffee mug properly but it fell to the floor and it broke


I bent down to pick the pieces of the mug but Fabian stopped me

'Don't pick it up with ur bare hands Sammy u might get cut, just leave it' he practically ordered me

'Fine' I said and turned to go back to my room for a shower then Fabian shouted..


I mentally face palmed myself
'I'm so stupid'
I walked up the stairs to my room to get a shower already, I stripped out of my clothes and went it, the cold water was surprisingly good, After a minute, I turned off the shower and stepped out.. I know u guys are thinking.. What a shower.. I'm really lazy right now I just wanna get cozy
I tied my towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom, I went to my closet and picked out a big black T-shirt, I put it on and I wore a black sock too, I decided to go back downstairs

I was at the last stair when I saw Tina on my couch texting away on her phone
When did she get here?

'Uh hello' I said and she looked up from her phone and smiled

'Hey, Fabian called everyone to come over, he wants to talk' she said and looked back down to her phone

He probably wants us to talk about Valentino, No the last thing I want to do is talk about Valentino, I decided to run back upstairs and hide, I turned around to begin my run only to be carried my a very strong arm... FABIAN

'Not so fast babe' he said and placed me on the chair where he sat
Everyone was seated now, This is a day I will tell my biggest secrets

'So' Harry said eating chips

Fabian gave him a death glare and he dropped the chips on the table and sat properly

I giggled lightly
And Fabian turned to look at me smiling

'Anytime u ready to talk just talk' he said and sat comfortably on the couch

'My name is Selena S Labaro, my friends, well everyone I knew called me Selena, Angie called me Sisi, It was a weird name( Angie laughed), After my parents died because of their illness, I started living with my grandma, and she payed all my bills, she sent my out one evening to get her a few things because she was travelling, I went to the nearest store to get them, I walked into the store named (Hally stores) and picked out what my granny wanted, I was about picking the last toothbrush in the store, when another hand also wanted to pick the toothbrush so the person touched my hand, I looked up and saw these eyes, it was dark so I couldn't really see the person clearly all I could do was leave the toothbrush for him, I payed the bill and left my house well granny's house'

'No rush we are all staying here for the rest of the day so take ur time' Chase said encouraging me to go on

'The next day my grandma travelled I was very lonely in the house so I decided to go to the park and walk Kiara, Kiara and I went to the park and played fetch, we did all sorts, I went to get a hotdog when someone held my shoulder, I turned around and I was confused because I didn't know who the person was,
'Do I know u'

'Um not really, we met yesterday at the store, we wanted to buy the same toothbrush but u left it for me'

'Oh ur that guy'

'Yeah I'm Valentino Lucas' he extended his hand for a handshake

'Oh I'm Selena Labaro'

'Nice name'

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