Chapter 17 Get out of my house!!!

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'Sam's POV'

I went out late at night for a run, don't ask why!

OK well u can ask.. I went to think about me and Fabian, he's been acting soo you know normal!!
After all the kisses and everything, I know I yelled at him at his penthouse to forget about everything but it was only because I didn't want to fall for him.. Much less someone like him!! But oh come the fuck on he is hot asf who the hell won't fall!

Back to the main reason why I effing slept outside my house, as I said I went for a run in the middle of the night, and well I also went to get a coffee at Madea's Coffee shop, it's open 24 hrs, I came back home and I noticed Fabian had come back because his car was parked outside
I tried to open the door but it was lock, I banged on the door but no one came out(FABIAN)
So I decided to call him and guess what he cut my calls anytime I called
I checked his windows if the lights were on and his lights were definitely on, but he didn't want to come open the door, I called his phone, sent several messages but I received nothing, the gang  were you know busy *wink*  so I had no other choice but to sleep outside on the porch, it was so freaking cold out there, and now I need answers to why Fabian didn't come open the door for me

I knocked on the door really loud, and then I heard someone say.. 'Cominngg'
He opened the door and I saw him shirtless, with red lip stick on the side of his face!!
Then came a girl with a robe and her clothes in her hand, she came in front of Fabian and kisssed him, the girl took Fabian's hands and he squeezed her butt right in front of me
When she turned around.. It was the devil herself
Olivia hales!!!

'Oh Sammy I forgot u live here, it's just that me and Fabian thought u went out so we decided to have the house to ourselves, By the way.. He is sooo good in bed' Have a good morning Sammy' she said and walked to her car which was parked at the other side of the road

After all this.. I could feel hot tears stinging at the back of my eyes
So what was all kisses for, What was it all for? To show he was in charge of everygirls life or what!
I was already boiling with anger

'Sam I sorry u slept outside I re-' I cut him off

'Save that for someone who actually cares' I said and walked in,  he closed the door and started saying shit to me

'Sam listen Olivia is cra-' I cut him off yet again

'You shut up before I do something u will regret' I was slowly loosing it

'Sam what-'.

'Ur despicable you know that, disgusting idiotic fool,  so you locked me outside-'


'Shut the hell up and listen to me, u locked me outside all because u were fucking that retarded fool,  You know what I shouldn't call her a retard because that will be insulting to retards, (Good one) I slept on the porch of my own house, and u were here fucking one of the people that hate me in my own house' I could feel the tears sliding down my face


'To think I was... '

I decided not to tell this ingrate that I was slowing falling for him, after what he did, I will never forgive him.. EVER

'To think you were what-' he asked

'I can't believe u did something like that, To me' I saw the guilt in his eyes, actually I saw sadness too,  but right now I couldn't care less

'Sam I'm sorry', She came to this house and I don't know what happened but I woke up this morning naked, and she sleeping next to me' he tried to explain

'Oh wow cool story,  so what your telling me is sex is just a fucking dream' That is the most dumbest shit you could ever come up with' I spat out

'Sam please'

'I want you to get ur stuff and get out of my house-'

'What Sam u can't do this'

'I said get the fuck outta my house, life, world, everything get out' I screamed
'I swear Fabian Rios if you don't get out,  I will cut your balls of and burn it' I ran upstairs to my room


He eventually left, he packed all his stuff while I stayed in my room crying, I can't believe he had sex with her,  I mean what did I expect from someone like him

I took a hot shower, and brushed my teeth, I changed into a black leggings and blue crop top, I grabbed my phone & slowly walked downstairs, I waltzed into the kitchen and made coffee, I have totally lost my appetite

I decided to watch some TV so I took my coffee to the couch and sat down

'Hmm I wanna watch Riverdale' I still have some episodes to go' I was watching when my phone pinged on the counter in the kitchen

I ran to get it, and when I checked it,  it was from Fabian, I didn't save his number as Fabian, I saved it as ''prick''

Sam I am truly sorry if I hurt you, I really don't remember how Olivia got in bed with me, I'm with the gang and the guys can confirm that I was with them before I left for home, I don't know why I squeezed her butt, Please forgive me and pls come to Harry's house

Son of bitch.. Lamest excuse ever made
I decided to send a reply, you know it's always nice to reply to certain messages

Sammy~ S
Go to hell prick

That's all I got, I can't waste my time on losers like him,  I went back to my couch and someone knocked on the door
Why don't people want me to watch my Riverdale ughhhh

I went to open the door and I saw Olivia, she turned and waved to her car, the person sitting inside the car was Valentino
What the hell is she doing here?!!

'Hi boo,  so I just wanted to check on you because u weren't looking good when I left here a few hours ago' she said popping her gum

Biggest slut there is

'Why' was all I could say because I was boiling with rage already seeing her face, just boils my whole blood

'Because bitch I had such a marvelous time that I wanted to come and spit it in your dirty slutty face' she said stepping closer to me

I clenched my fists, you know how bad I wanted to beat her up right here, right now but no I don't need my dark side right now, coz I'll kill her if it comes

'Get out of my house-'

'You know u aren't-' she started off

'Olivia I said get the hell out of my house before I kill you' I said stepping forward while she walked backwards
She was in so much fear, and shock, she turned pale and left my house

No one dares mess with Samantha Labaro
They messed with Selena but they won't with Samantha

I went to close the door that Olivia left open and I saw her telling Valentino something, he turned to look at me with those eyes of the devil he looked angry but I couldn't care less so I showed them both the middle finger and closed the door

I sat on the couch and sipped my now cold coffee.. Just great
I got a text from an unknown number

Unknown number
You are going to regret everything Selena, I promise you that

I knew it was Valentino but I'm so sorry Valentino u don't even scare me

Go to hell, and kiss my ass, because I'm not afraid of you asshole,  u don't scare me one bit.. So please do me a favor and go fuck yourself #retard

I'm tired of people thinking they can hurt me, it time I show them I'm boss, I need a new wardrobe and I need to get my hair done
I grabbed my keys and credit card, and dashed outta my house


Ugh Fabian is such an Asshole to think he was actually falling for her, he just had to mess it up
Sam's wardrobe is changing, so as Sam's life, find out more Chapter 18
XOXO~#remain strong

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