Grocery Shopping w/ Tim & Amy

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The two were idly strolling through the grocery aisle when a splash of color caught Amelia's attention and made her abruptly stop in her tracks.
Timothy, who was had taken two unknowing steps forward, stopped as well to look at his companion who seemed to be staring with a grand amount of awe in those shining eyes at the mountains of multicolored candy a few meters across from their aisle.
The boy couldn't hold back the smile that stretched upon his face at the novelty of Amelia looking so dumbstruck and doggish that for a moment he just wanted to stare and admire this moment for a minute longer. But a voice in his head, a voice that suspiciously sounded like Erich, told him that that such behavior would be considered creepy and that he should really entertain the idea of getting laid much more often.
Eventually, the boy managed to regain some sense of rationality and tapped the girl's shoulder.
Amelia jerked and swiftly turned her head towards Timothy; she must have realized what she had been doing--staring at-- and a sweet red soon crawled up steadily to her head. Not a 30 seconds later, did her embarrassment warp into anger and he fixed unto him a glare that Lucy would be proud of.

"Don't tell anyone about this, yeah?"
Timothy's heart clenched at the sight and he couldn't help but wrap a familiar arm around her and chuckled.

"Only if you pinky promise~" he sang playfully and extended his free arm then proceeded to wag the pinky finger in front of her, his grin as persuasive and charming as ever.

Amelia gave him an incredulous look and made a move to wriggle out of his one-armed embrace, but her efforts were thwarted when the boy's arm tightened around her.

"Nuh uh, snowflake.. be a man and seal the deal"
Amelia's glare was paint-peeling.

"You're a criminal, Timothy Muto"
was all she spat before angrily lacing their pinky fingers together and shaking them, a small smile now present on her rosy face.
A tone of amusement laced in between faux hostility.

He knew that people around them were silently judging the two for either being highly affectionate with each other or just being plain childish.
"Now that's a man"
but when he could joke and laugh freely with her like this, any amounts of judgment could be knocked off of his Priority List.

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