Mess w/ Amelia, Lucy & Lorelei

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Amelia was living in the phrase "snug as bug". For she was wrapped up in her blanket cocoon, a hot mug of cocoa in her hands. The rain was pelting softly outside and the sound was satisfyingly complementary to the documentary about baby turtles on the tv that was set on a low volume.
She smiled and rested her head against the back of the brown sofa. Things were going great.
"Were" being the word of emphasis.
Things were going smoothly until a loud smack, muffled by the couch's thick padding, shook the entire furniture and rattled Amelia.
She turned around in consternation and was surprised when a heavily panting Lucy popped out from behind the sofa.
"Amelia!" She breathed out, then after planting her hands firmly on the couch for stability, she continued.
Amelia watched the flustered girl with wide, confused eyes.

"Listen, Brook's gonna be looking for me in 5 minutes or so" Lucy spoke quickly and she jerked her head towards the front door and Amelia followed her gaze until Lucy's voice caught her attention once again.
"If she asks where I am, tell her I'm busy drowning myself in the bathroom sink" Lucy finished solemnly before running off towards the bathroom.

A few moments passed after Lucy's quick and unusual departure and Amelia found herself trying to regain her disrupted relax time.
She was in the middle of shifting to find a comfortable sitting position when she heard tumultuous steps heading towards her.

Amelia looked up and lo and behold, it was Lorelei and the young girl's eyes widened when she spotted the mess that was on top of Lorelei's head.
Her normally kept and wavy hair was now a frazzled stiff mess with a bunch of green leaf shards poking out the side of her head.
Her face was warped into an image of fiery anger and her hands and white summer dress were covered in grimy dirt.
She more or less looked like an angry troll bride.
"LUCY! COME OUT YOU LITTLE DUMMKOPF!!" She shrieked and shuffled towards Amelia when their gazes locked together. Amelia immediately looked away but that was a futile attempt to ward her off because the messy girl walked up to her,
"Psst, Amy" Amelia looked up, and she was met with Lorelei's dark yet still beautiful eyes. And much like the rest of her, although she was covered in dirt, she was still intimidatingly beautiful.

Amelia could only nod in response.
"Did Lucy pass by here?" The older girl asked with a saccharine smile. All traces of troll bride erased.

She nodded and answered tentatively, "Umm, yeah..she told me that she was busy drowning herself in the bathroom sink?" Amelia finished with a hesitant smile.
She feared Lorelei's reaction and when she just cursed and stomped away after a rushed danke that she assumed would be a thanks she breathed out a sigh of relief; once again, relaxing.

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