2 ~ The Bully

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Zara's POV

Surely I wore the spray after 2 years you'd think I would just do it automatically, right?

Ok so maybe if I stand here and look at something... let's see, oh look poster! How interesting cheerleading (note to self cheerleading tryouts tomorrow at lunch). Ok, so out of the corner of my eye I can see them making there way down the corridor, every single step they take closer to me my heart speeds up and I think any second now and I'm gonna pass out.

Breath Zara!

Thats my wolf  Zoë. We first met when I was 6 the day the rogues came, see we aren't supposed to meet our wolves until we are 16 but traumatic events such as seeing everyone in your family murdered in front of you kind of jump starts the whole process thankfully for me. If I didn't have Zoë for one I would have stayed in my first foster home since she gets me in so much trouble, but two I would have gone through all of this alone.

Well, now we are introduced back to the story:

I am trying but if they find us we will be killed, or have you forgotten what happened last time?!?

No?!? But we don't know if they know we are a wolf yet so play it cool.


I blocked Zoë out of my head and cleared my head. I realised this whole time they have been there so I look around me but not one of them is there. Weird, but I'll go with it.

Before anything else could happen I sprinted towards the office which was very hard to find, in a effort of trying to beat the bell.

With 5 minuets to spare I had found it. I walked up to the desk and politely went up to the lady behind the desk and said "Hi I'm new-" as if she already knew what I was going to say she just handed me my schedule and a map of the school.

"Here you go dear, you better hurry now the bell is about to go"

"Wait how did you know who i am?"

"Well we don't get many new students here so I just guessed."

I shrugged it off and just walked away speed walking whilst looking down at my schedule I have calculus in A25 thankfully I was in A block now I just needed to find Room 25. Just as I was about to look up I walked into a wall. Ouch! I was about to get up before anyone could see my stupidity but then I saw shoes in front of me. My cheeks flushed red, oh no! This is so embarrassing!

"Hey! Watch where your going! Are you blind or something?"

I could tell that this guy wasn't nice.

Narcissistic it is then. Said Zoë. I blocked her out again.

"Look I'm sorry I'm new here. By any chance do you know where A25 is?"

"Why would I help a blonde bimbo like you?" What did he just say to me That's it!

"Excuse me!"

"You heard me, or are you deaf as well as blind?" I could here a group of people behind snickering to which I assumed they were his so called 'friends'.

"I'm not blind or deaf, but you know what?! I am pissed off! What gives you any right to call me that? You know what why don't we just make this even man whôre, you're a dim witted, small minded, ass, who has nothing better to do than bully people because it's the only thing he supposedly good at!" And with that went my shy character and my temper. I stormed of the opposite way and just happens to come across A25 thank lord!

I was early so I walked to the desk and asked the teacher where to sit since it was halfway through the year and everything was probably already arranged. The teacher replied with "Second row, third desk you will be sitting next to Alex Fenton" in a rather aggravated tone.

Jesus who pissed in his froot loops?

I started laughing at my own joke which earned me a very stern glare from the teach who's name I actually don't know. Oops!

Be quiet your going to get me in trouble! We haven't got to do school for much longer so please for both of our sakes shut up!

Fine! But if only if we train tonight for that competition on Friday!


My heart stopped just thinking about Friday night, it was at a new fight place, obviously as I had moved. It's against a challenger named 'Stainless Steal' a stupid name if you ask me but I can't say much mine is 'Hidden' so there you go.

Suddenly, I was catapulted out of my thoughts by someone annoyingly dropping a textbook (or rather slamming it) on to my desk. I looked up to see a boy who I assumed to be Alex Fenton.

"Yo, I'm Alex and you are?" Extending a hand to which I shook and said,


"Wait, aren't you that chick that left Jackson completely speechless!" So that's his name.

"You got me there, is he a friend of yours?"

"He's a dick! To which I mean yeah, he's my best mate I promise once you get past the well... aggressive side of him he's actually alright."

"I will take your word for it." the rest of the lesson continued like this, I realised I never actually heard the bell I guessed I zoned out whilst thinking about Friday.

"So what have you got next?"

"Let me see... art."

"Oh, an artist are we now? Well lucky for you, you're sitting next the best artist in town who also happens to have art next."

"Omg! That's great, please can I go with you?"

"I guess you could tag along." he said trying to sound cool, key word trying. I ended up bursting out with laughter just as the bell went signalling the next lesson.

"Come on, we better hurry up, if we are late to art Mrs. Anderson will have our heads!" So we rushed off looking like lunatics I might add. When we were out of the class room I could feel everyone staring at me. The girls were glaring at me, I swear their eyeballs were seeping through my skull right into my soul! And well the guys weren't any better they were either looking me up and down or wolf whistling as I went by, which earned them an eye roll.

Finally, we made it to art which was in C11 so not that far. I went to the desk and asked who I assumed to be Mrs. Anderson "Hi I'm Zara, I'm new, where should I sit?"

"Let me see, right there." She pointed with her long slender fingers, I followed them with my eyes when a smell hit my nose pine and fresh mint. It was so refreshing I realised this smell was emitting from the person who I'm now supposed to sit next to. He was quite clearly tall, well built, with black hair and eyes you could get lost in but most importantly he was a werewolf!

Hi guys so what did you think of this chapter! Please vote and comment! Love
~Mia ❤️
Sunday 22nd October 2017

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