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Hey :)
Are you selling a cats? :)
All of them looks so pretty :)
If you sell it i want to buy :)

What? Who are you?
I'm not selling a cat
Those are mine.

Really? :)
Someone told me that you're selling those cats. :)
I'm Kang Daniel btw :)

Pssttt who gonna believe that you're Kang Daniel.
Unless you send me a proof.

Omg, i'm really Kang Daniel :)
But please don't tell others :)
Keep it as secret between us :)

I won't believe you unless you send me a proof Mr.Defdanik ssi
And stop put that smiling emoji every at the end your sentence.

I'm jus trying to be more friendly to you :)

You want a proof ? Wait :)

@ailaleeWhatttttt? ARE YOU REALLY KANG DANIEL ????@ailaleeOMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT THAT YOU TEXT ME @ailaleeMy crush arghhabxjajanaanaj* cleared *

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My crush arghhabxjajanaanaj
* cleared *

So you believe in me now?
Bcs i thought you were a cat lady.
And i thought that this cat are for sale. They are so cute.

@realdefnikWhat are their name ?@realdefdanikMale or female

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What are their name ?
Male or female

Omgdns kang daniel bring the smile emoji back!!!!!
* cleared *

Please bring your emoji smile back. You look so serious without the emoji

Oh yeah they are mine.
Both are male. My cats named Orangee and D.

Its okay , i look cute anyways even without the smile emoticon.
Jjang and D
And D stans for Daniel i guess hahaha

Fck it why i told him the cat name were D?
* cleared *
Oh it is because my friend gave his name D because she adores you so much.

I thought you gave his name D because you like me but it was your friend :(
Hmm so sad.
I have two female cat named Peter and Rooney.

So you're a cat lover huh.
Female? Peter and Rooney?
Pfttt hahahhaa that's so funny
Did you mean Peter Parker the spiderman and Rooney , the football player😂?

That was a long story.

Then make it short

Goshh its embarrassing to tell you.

Just tell me , i won't laughing at you.
Maybe .

Okay here it is .
The first cat , i thought it was a male. It was good at running round so i named it after my favourite soccer player Rooney but it turned out to be a female .
I couldn't do anything so i just called her Rooney.
The same things happened to the second cat.
It was so good at climbing wall so i named it after Spiderman's name Peter but it also turned out to be a female.

You're so cute .
How can you confuse by their gender😂

Hey you said you won't laughed at me
You're liar ㅠㅠ

I'm sorry i can't take it anymore hahaha
Everyone would do the same things if they heard this.

Fine and thank you .

Thank you for?

For saying that i am cute :)
You're cute too Aila :)

Omg Kang Daniel and his smile emoticon are back!!!
Did you just said that i am cute ? *blush*

Look you did it again.
Yes you are :)

How do you know if im cute or not .
We haven't meet yet.

I'm sure you are cute .
We'll meet one day.
I have to go , i must continue my dance practice for upcoming concert.

Okay, Take care.

Before that can i have your number ?
But its okay if you don't want to give it to me
I'll understand

Haha no, its okay.

What srsly Aila ???
Okay got it
Its 01105092002 :)
I'll text you later

Haha sorry for that i'm just trying to be funny
Okay, bye KD

Bye cat lady :)

@realdefdanik went offline

I hold my phone and smile. Did he just called me cat lady ? Oh ya who is the person that assumed me as a cat seller ?

Don't tell me that it was Guan Lin again.

Facepalm. Urgh that boy won't able to see the sun tomorrow .

I will make a plan to burry him in the ground with Ji hoon since both of us were a victim.

Emm wait , talk about Ji hoon . Where is he? I haven't saw him online by today.

I don't know why but i kept stalking his last seen and wonder if he is online or not.

Hmm seems like i miss him.

Did I ?

To be continue...

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