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"HOON YAAA!!!" Aila called Ji hoon.

"Yaaaa! My name is Ji hoon!"

"Hehe i mean park jeojang."


"I can't believe that you're actually coming, gomawooo." She said.

"Where you want to take me?"

"Accompany me to meet Daniel."

"Oh." He replied. His heart was breaking.

"Are you busy?"


"Okay, now let's go." She said.


Marshmallow cafe

I bought a lots of chocolates, flowers and huge teddy bear. I even reserved the whole cafe under my friend's name just in case because I don't want to get caught.

Yeah, Marshmallow cafe. The first place that i met Aila. I never though that i would really fall for her kindness.

Today i will tell her everything that i love her, i hope she won't hate me.

A marriage proposal? Pfttt she's still young and it's too early.

A marriage proposal? Pfttt she's still young and it's too early

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I put the teddy bear beside me. So after she came in, she could see it. Hehe hope she will love it. Oh yeah, and i also brought Peter and Rooney along together, because i want to introduce them to my lovely girlfriend.

And hehe hope the cats won't get jealous.

I have prepared everything, the tables, the foods, all the presents. Other members said that they also want to come. To sing a song? I don't know but they might already arrived right now.

I check my task, and everything is complete and perfect but only one thing left is..


I'm so nervous.

"Oh wow, look what you did." June suddenly enter the cafe. She smirked at me.

"What are you doing here huh?" I asked.

"Hm, well i want to make sure either your plan is going to work out or not."

"What plan?"

"Opss, not plan. I mean the 'promised'.

"Can you please get out? I told I don't want to get involved with this right!"

"I think, you should tell me what you have to tell me promised first."

"Oh Daniel, you said you love me baby. But why? What is this? Did you really fall for that girl now?" She added.

"Yes." I replied.

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