Chapter 11~ The Drawing

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Jiyeon's P.O.V

Today was the 100th day of dating Chanyeol. Before this Day Kibum and his group called "SHINee" debuted with "Replay" and Sooyoung has been modelling for my clothing line.

"Where are you going for your special 100th day?" Yoona asked me.

"Taeyeon said that were going to donate blood together" I answered.

"Awe~ Seohyun did that, but her date couldn't donate" She replied.

"What are you going to wear?" Jessica asked me.

"OOO, I know what you should wear!" Tiffany exclaimed while coming through the door with Taeyeon.

"Okay, so Chanyeol's wearing a light blue buttoned short sleeve shirt, beige shorts, and turquoise ankle shoes, so you should wear... this!" Taeyeon said and threw me some clothes and a pair of shoes.

"Gomawo! NOW GET OUT!" I yelled and pushed them all out the door.

I put on the stuff Taeyeon threw at me and put on some makeup. When I opened my bedroom door, I saw Chanyeol standing in front of me.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

I was waiting in front of Jiyeon's bedroom door and finally the door opened. She was wearing the same shoes as me, a blue collared tank top, and beige high waisted shorts.

"Uhh... Y-Y-You l-look b-b-beautiful" I stuttered.

"Gomawo, Ka Ja!" she exclaimed and lead me to the stairs.

We were at the top of the stairs when I saw a familiar face.

"Jiyeon Unnie!" The person exclaimed.

"Oh, Annyeong S-" I cut her off.

"SOOYOUNG!" I shouted and ran down the stairs to her.


Jiyeon's P.O.V

"SOOYOUNG!" I heard Chanyeol shout and ran down the stairs.

While he was running to her, I felt a strong push making me fall down the stairs in an awkward position.

"Come on Sooyoung let's talk on the balcony" I heard Chanyeol say and both, Chanyeol and Sooyoung walked over my leg.

"JIYEON! GWEANCHANHA?!?" Baekhyun asked me helping me help.

"N-Ne, Gweanchanha" I stuttered and fell back on the ground.

"Jiyeon, I think your leg is broken, I mean some pushed you down the stairs and two people walked over your leg, AND ONE OF THEM WAS WEARING HEELS!" Xiumin said.

"I said I'm fine!" I replied in a harsh tone and jumped on one foot to the elevator to escape the horror.


Baekhyun's P.O.V

I was pacing back and forth the living room pissed. I mean Chanyeol pushed Jiyeon down the stairs.

"Baek, Calm do-" I cut Taeyeon off.


"THAT BASTARD IS YOUR HYUNG!" Taeyeon yelled back at me.

"Not anymore" I said and ran to find Jiyeon .

I ran all over the school and I couldn't find her.

"Where is she?" I asked myself.

I ran to the roof and saw Jiyeon on the floor passed out.

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