Charlie has to deal with the domestic abuse from her husband. They've been married for two years, he's been beating her for one. Then Charlie decides that she can't take this anymore she a therapy hotline where Dr. Brown is willing to do everything...
"I-im going out" I was standing at the front door I was not going to tell him that I was going to see that therapist I called last night.
"Where the fuck you going?" I tensed up when he was standing up from the couch.
"I'm going to work" I was lying straight through my teeth I wasn't going to tell him that I was going to a therapist to get away from him.
"I thought you didn't work on Sunday's" I he walked closer to me my hand shook as it held on to the door handle.
"I have some last minute stuff I need to catch up on" my voice shook
"Oh, go to work and come straight back, you hear me girl" he had a soft grip on my neck getting tighter.
"O-ok" he let go of my neck I gasped for air a little bit, my neck was still hurting from yesterday.
I walked out the door checking the time it was 8:46 in the morning, I walked to my mercedes benz driving off to the therapy center.
I finally arrived at the therapy center. I parked my car in the parking lot i sat there looking at the rear view mirror to see that the makeup on my neck came off I must have been when Jahkoy gripped my neck wiping some of the makeup off exposing the purple bruises. I grabbed the emergency makeup out of my purse putting the foundation that matched my skin tone on my neck.
When I was done making sure none of my bruises and marks were exposed. I got out the car walking in the building, when I walked in it was nicely decorated and professional looking.
"Hello ma'am welcome to the therapy center, how may I help you today?" I Japanese looking woman said at the front desk.
"Hi I'm here for Dr. Brown, is he here today?"
"Yes ma'am he is, can I get your name?"
"Charlie Mason"
"Ok here we go. In case you were wondering Dr. Brown already had me put you into the system" she smiled her accent and voice was so cute.
"By the way my name is Latte, if you need me you know where I am" she smiled giggling a little as I did the same
"That's a beautiful name and thank you"
"You can have a seat over there he'll be with you shortly" she pointed to the red seats that sat in front of a big fish tank, I walked over and sat down waiting, I couldn't stop thing about how I lied to Jahkoy if he found out I came here I might as well be 8ft under.
To take my mind off of Jahkoy I got up to go look at the fish "the fish beautiful aren't they?" I jumped turning to see who said that, it was a light skin man with short dark curly hair, he was wearing a blue sweater, grey ripped jeans, cement 4s along with some jewelry.
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