The Awakening

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I sat across as I watched the boys lift the sarcophagus up and against the wall so we could open it and not haft to bend much. Standing I walked over with the key opened and gave it to Evie who gladly took it and put it in. When a click was heard, we all pushed at the lid to open it.

"I can't believe I let you guys get me Drunk." She mumbled as we pushed.

Jon shrugged. "Don't blame me, I don't even remember being there."

"Well neither do I, thank you." Evie said standing to take a breather

"You dont?" Rick sounded out as he stopped pushing to look at her.

"No....why? Should I?" Evie asked wide eyed and a bit horrified.

Rick sighed. "Gee, yeah, you told me it was the best time you've ever had." He said grunting as he started pushing again

Evie looked as red as an apple, to which I laughed at.

Finally we got closer to the end, and as we did one last singular push together the lid came off with a loud thud. Another coffin layed within, but a wooden one this time. The usual one.

"Oh my god! I've dreamed about this since I was a little girl!" Evie sqealed.

Rick looked at her brow raised. "You dream about dead guys? Like Lotus?"

I smacked his arm. "I do not." I said. "I only like talking to the dead thank you very much."

They all looked at me funny, but went back to the task at hand.

Evie wiped some dust off looking a bit confused. So I looked as well and my eyes practically bugged out. "Is it just me or have the sacred spells been chiseled off?"

"What?" Rick asked Looking closer.

"Look," Evie pointed out, "All the sacred spells, have been chiseled off." She said wiping off more dust.

I looked closer. "The hieratics and hieroglyphics that protect the deceased on ones journey to the afterlife, they've been removed."

"This man was curse or doomed." Me and Evie said together whole looking up at each other.

"This man must have been condemned in this life, and the next." Evelyn theorized.

I giggled a bit, unable to to stop myself. "How naughty was he?"

"Very." Evelyn said giggling at me.

"Tough break." Rick huffed out, impatient to open the coffin.

"Yes, I'm all tears. Now let's see who's inside shall we?" Jonathan said as he rubbed his hands together excitedly.

I rolled my eyes at the boys, and stepped away as Jon took the Key from Evie and opened the doomed man's sarcophagus. I watched as they then started pulling away at the lid. Until suddenly it popped off and very liquidy skeleton popped out as well, scaring the three in front of me. I wasn't that scared. I mean, I've been on sights where we found sarcophagus's quite alot there, and they all seemed to like to pop out at you.

I laughed as they all took a breath to calm themselves. "Wow, you guys are pussies." I said and was earned a couple glares.

"I hate it when these things do that." Evelyn said as she finally came to the calm side.

Rick looked at the corpse in disgust, it was pretty gross. "Is it supposed to look like that?"

I shook my head. "Nada, I've never seen a corpse like this, they're usually....dry." I told him as I looked at the skelly.

"She's right....he's still...." Evie said coming a bit closer to the still rotting mummy.

"Juicy?" Jonathan came up with.

"Yes, he's more then three thousand years old, and still decomposing." She said quite confuzzled.

I nodded to her observation as I stepped up closer. "Which, it should be impossible. He should be nothing more then a slightly dusty skeleton."

"And look at this." Rick said as he bent down to inspect the wooden lid that was now on the ground. "What do you think of this?" He asked tracing the marks he found.

Evie creeped down, as did I. "These marks were made by fingernails!!" She said shocked as she too inspected them.

"Meaning, he was buried alive." I said, feeling sick.

"He seems to have left a message." Evie said as she looked at the writing before him. She then read it aloud. "Death is only the beginning..."

With that said my eyes widen as I remember my dream from last night, the same words that, that man said, Imhotep.

I quickly turned and left not caring I was leaving the group. I needed to go get my thoughts sorted out.

I was in some sort of room, with black water and a table thing near it, I was sitting in that. I sighed as I looked at my hands. I was so confused. What was happening? I felt different. I was hearing voices sometimes, and then there's the dreams!!

Sighing once more I layed back on the table to look at the tall sand ceiling above. I then raised my hand to see the pocket watch I somehow had to see it was dark now, late really. How long have I been here?

I got up and looked around. "Oh how am I going to get back?" I asked to myself as I started off to a direction just as a chill went down my spine, I same up to the Sarcophagus, but confused as the skeleton, or well the mummy was gone.

Did they move him. I heard something from behind me and I turned just in time to see something that scared me enough to faint into its arms.

The mummy.... It was alive.

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