♕️Scattered Across The World Seventeen♕️

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|·Rose's POV·|

"Hahahahahah!" Ella said laughing uncontrollably.

"This isn't funny I need this blood!" I said.

"Your bot getting the blood look." Luna said as she pointed at the stones that where back to normal!

"Damn! I'm out of bloodlust!" I said

"Well this is interesting.... Hmmm I see." Sara said as she sat on a pile of gold coins flipping through pages of a book.

"Sara honey.... what are you reading." I asked.

"A book." Sara answered.

"What book?" I asked.

"The history of Irene Belserion." Sara answered as she flipped the page.

"Hoe did you find that book!? People have been look years!!" I said shocked.

"Oh it fell on my head when I tripped over this pile of gold coins." Sara answered as she keep on reading.

"There's even a page on how to summon her." Sara said as I snatched the book from her.

"6 drops of blood... 1 bottle of boggles blood.... and 6 shards of darken stones." I said reading the ingredients.

"Forget about danganronpia! I want Irene she has way more power than danganronpia!" I said as I went over to the stones.

"Six shards of darken stones..." I said as I chipped each stone.

"So the shard turns permanently black when it gets chipped off the stone?" Ella asked.

"Exactly!" I said as I put it in the coldren and dropped in the blood as I chanted the curse.

"Ten thousand years! Can give you such a back pain!" Irene said stretching.

"Hi miss Irene." I said as Irene hugged me.

"Nice to see you again sister." Irene said.

"Say what now!?"

"Look!" She said as she showed me a picture of me and Irene when we where little

"My god.... I have a sister!" I said happily.

"Where's mom?" Irene asked.

"She died.... cause of the war..." I said sadly.

"Vengeance?" Irene asked.

"Like you read my mind." I said smirking.

"One thing my magic...."

Lizzie POV

"48 PIECES!!!" We all yelled.

"Yes." Angel answered.

"Wait so this Irene chicks magic is split up into 48 pieces!?" James asked.

Scattered Across The World {Book 1} Where stories live. Discover now