Chapter Preview - Touching the Moon

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Elizabeth Hann's P.O.V

Each string passed delicately through my fingers. Each sound filled the room. Not to replace the previous note, but to merge with it, compliment it. Never to over power it. Each sound bounced off the walls creating an echoing of joy. My laughter joined in, creating the sound of happiness. At least to me. Nothing in the world felt better. Each sound I sang or created was happiness. Each sound was a piece of life. 

My body swayed with the melody. Back and forth as my hair swayed through the air. Everything in me was alive! Sparks enveloped me and I was off. The door to the backyard was open and I took the liberty of using it. Almost leaping through, the grass was as soft as it could be underneath my feet. Each piece slick and smooth. 

Twirling around, the notes kept playing along my fingers. Soon I dropped my guitar, its thud bringing me back. All I could muster was a stare at the instrument... before my laughter replaced the missing notes. The sun poured through the trees, warming every inch of my body it could touch. My arms spread out as far as they could. I felt the grass spin under me. Each breeze passing over my body, like a whisper. 

I laughed and I laughed, not caring who heard it. I'm pretty sure my new neighbors on both sides were looking at me through their windows. Wondering what was going on with me. But who gives a crap? I'm new here, not a new person. My feet caught under me and I fell to the ground. The grass cushioning my fall. 

All I could do was laugh. Everything felt happy. The blades of grass slid through my fingers as I delicately ran them through the green blanket. 

"Liz, come on! I've got to get to work!" Suddenly my world shattered. I pushed myself up off the ground. The sun felt hot and uncomfortable. The grass itched. The wind blew through my hair like a giant force. 

School. The death trap that would be my "home" for the next two long years. 


Daniel Schimdt's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of her music again. Its only been a week since she moved in next door. I'd never gotten a glimpse of what she looked like. The only person I could imagine was a blonde, with long choppy hair and a flower head band. That's what she sounded like.

I couldn't say I hated the music, I mean at least she was good. She could suck and then I would have to find a way to block out off key notes. But she didn't. It was actually a peaceful way to wake up in the morning, instead of the blaring sounds of alarm clocks and microwave timers. 

"Dan, your breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. All that came from my mouth was a moan. The thought of Junior year crept back into my mind. Throwing the sheets off my bed, I clumped to the floor like a whale out of water. 

"Ughhhhhhhh." Words of wisdom Dan, words of wisdom. Climbing to my feet and nearly running into the door frame across the wall, I successfully made it down the stairs into the kitchen. 'Successfully' is an exaggeration. In the kitchen, my mom was at the island pouring apple juice into a glass for me. My fathers coffee mug was still sitting on the round table across from the island.

Slowly, I dug into the pancakes my mom probably bought from the store. She wasn't much of a cook, considering she never has the time. It was a real 'treat' to have her 'make breakfast', but it meant she was working the night shift up at the Ford and Joans Research Hospital. 

"Excited?" she asked to break the silence. As always she looked very tired. Her red curls unkempt and messy. She never rested, and it was worrisome. Dad was never around enough to take a closer look. He cares for her, I know he does. But they both work such long hours, hard ones too, that they barely see each other. 

"Not really, it's just Junior Year. It's not like I'm starting somewhere completely new." I shoved a pancake piece into my mouth. I was referring to the new girl next door. It must really suck, moving the last two important years of your school career. 

"I've got an idea," my mom started and I was worried at the idea to follow, "see if the new girl next door wants a ride to school? I know the bus is a pain, and she could probably use a friendly face." It wasn't such a bad idea, I mean the only thing I wanted to know about her was what she looked like. 

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