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Recovering from what had happened on the Astronomy Tower was difficult. I was wounded badly from the fall, and the Killing Curse caused a lot of damage. Luckily, I had Tonks and Remus to take care of me over the summer. My wounds were healed rather quickly, but there wasn't much they could do about the rest. So, I spent my entire summer in bed, practically all by myself. For our safety, Harry and I didn't write to each other. That didn't stop me from wondering about what had become of our kiss. Were we an item now, or were we just caught up in the moment?

But, that wasn't the only thing on my mind. I couldn't forget the fact that I had not only survived a 500-foot drop, but also the Killing Curse. I thought only Harry and Voldemort were allowed to cheat death.

My thoughts were disrupted by Remus knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes!" I called back to him.

The door creaked open, revealing my guardian's pale face. I had adopted he and Tonks as my parents, which they seemed to be proud of. But, with everything that's been going on, they haven't been looking so well. Their faces have turned ghostly white, their cheeks increasingly hollow. It made me feel bad to see them this way. I couldn't help but think this was partially my fault.

Anyway, the mattress dipped beside me as Remus sat down. "There's something I think you should know."

I frowned at him. Judging by how quietly he was speaking, he didn't want Tonks to hear. Clearly she didn't want me to know what I was about to be told. "What is it?"

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "You and Harry need to be...relocated."

"What?!" I nearly shouted.

"Shh! Look, it's come to a point where you two can't stay in the same place for too long, or you'll be found by the Death Eaters. They won't rest until they have both of you captured or dead."

I sighed wearily and looked up at the ceiling. "Where are we going then?"

"The Burrow. Arthur and Molly fixed it up. It should be easy to get you there, but I worry about Harry," He explained.


"Our plan for him isn't quite so private anymore--"

"So change it," I cut in.

"It's not that simple, Violet. It's our only way of escorting him without Voldemort knowing where he is. Lives could be lost to make sure he's safe..."

"What the hell do you people have in mind?" I snapped.

"Since it's too dangerous to Apparate, we're going on broomsticks and Thestrals. What's dangerous is that there's a good chance that there will be Death Eaters waiting to take us out."

"Great! I'll join you then. Sounds like you guys might need a little extra help."

He chuckled, and ruffled my hair. "In your condition? I don't think so."

Before I could protest, he got up and left me there, a typical Remus thing to do. Always leaving before I could start a fight. At least Tonks would have the dignity to let me argue with her, seeing as how much I love doing it. It's a Slytherin thing.

Sighing, I pushed myself out of bed, and hobbled over to my closet, and started pulling clothes off their hangers. If I was going to be 'escorted' to The Burrow, I might as well be prepared.


The next morning, Tonks explained to me that she and Remus had a few errands they needed to run, and were leaving me at The Burrow for a few hours, not knowing that I was aware of what was going on. For the sake of Remus not getting his teeth knocked out, I pretended to believe her, and pretended to not notice when she used a spell to shrink my trunk and stuck it in her pocket.

We were going to be flying, as Tonks claimed she worried about Apparating with me due to my current condition. Although she was lying about that too, I would've believed her if I didn't know any better. 

"Remember, rest as much as you can, just like you do here. Don't turn down any meals, and please ask for help if you need it. I swear, you teenagers have so much damn pride in yourselves..." Tonks rambled as she slipped my feet into my sneakers and tied them for me.

"Tonks, I practically let you dress me this morning. That's pretty low for someone with so much pride," I told her, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh, shut it you brat," She teased. "Come on, Molly's expecting us soon."

I slowly rose to my feet, and followed Tonks out to the living room. Remus was waiting by the door for us with two broomsticks in one hand, and Peep's cage in the other. The sweet owl let out a small hoot when he saw me, causing me to reach through the bars of his cage and stroke his beak.

"Violet, you'll be riding with Tonks behind me," Remus said, handing Tonks a broom.

Although I was tempted to, I didn't bother making a smart remark. They were just watching out for me, even though I felt like a kid who did something bad and their parents never trusted them again.

With that, the three of us walked outside, the sun already beating down on us. Tonks mounted her broom, and I got on behind her. Remus mimicked our actions, letting Peep out of his cage to fly with us, and holding the empty cage between his thighs.

"Ready when you are, Remus!" Tonks called to him as I wrapped my arms around her waist. 

Then, we took off.

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