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The ride to The Burrow was rather peaceful. The wind whipped through my hair, making it a mess, but cooling me down nonetheless. Tonks would occasionally swerve around or pick up speed in hopes of making the ride fun for me. She knew I hated being locked up in the house. I can't imagine how Harry feels after going through it for his whole life.

When we arrived, Ron was standing outside, waiting for us I presumed. Tonks landed gently, and let me off her broom before dropping it to the ground. I pretended to be looking elsewhere when she pulled my tiny trunk from her pocket and tossed it to Ron, who caught it with ease. 

Then, Remus approached me, and pulled me into a hug. "We aren't able to stay, but Molly promised to take good care of you. We'll miss you dearly."

"I'll miss you guys too. Please, please, please be safe. Do it for the sake of me and my precious well-being," I answered, while returning his hug.

He chuckled, and pulled away. "Don't guilt me, because it won't work."

"Yes it will."

"No it--"

"Remus, quit arguing with her!" Tonks scolded, smacking his arm. "She's got enough on her plate as it is!"

We all said our final 'goodbyes' before my guardians mounted their brooms, and left Ron and I alone. I sighed, and watched them go until I couldn't see them anymore. Then, I turned to my redheaded friend.

"Shall we go in now?" I asked.


The two of us walked inside together--well, Ron walked. I kinda hobbled like an old lady. As soon as Ron pushed the front door open, Mrs. Weasley came bustling over to me, pulling me into a surprisingly gentle hug.

"Oh, look how well you're doing, sweetie! Resting has done you quite some good! Come now, I'm taking you straight to bed," She fawned, while gently taking my arm into her hand.

We all headed ever so slowly up the stairs, which was much louder than it was downstairs. Ron followed behind his mother and I, holding Peep's empty cage in one hand (Peep had made himself comfortable on the roof) and my still-tiny trunk in the other. 

Mrs. Weasley led us into Fred and George's room, which was practically empty except for two twin beds. She carefully guided me toward the nearest one, and allowed me to curl up into its sheets. 

"Do you need anything, dear?" She asked gently.

"No thank you," I replied, giving her a small smile.

"Alright, well if you change your mind, we're all here."

Ron placed my trunk on the bedside table and Peep's cage on the floor at the foot of my bed. "I'll have Mum fix your trunk later," He said, grinning at my pocket-sized trunk.

"Thank you, Ronald. Now get out so I can sleep," I responded, reaching over to gently push his leg.

Once Ron had left, closing the door behind him, I sighed, closing my eyes. From the hallway, I could hear bickering and laughter. Surprisingly, I missed all the noise. It was comforting, along with the welcoming scent of The Burrow itself. But, just as I began drifting off, the door opened again, causing me to open my eyes.

Standing in the doorway was Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, and Ron.

"See you've welcomed yourself into my bed," George teased.

"I did so happily as well," I answered in the same tone.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked, coming over to sit by my legs.

"Could be better."

"You know Violet, a boy walked into our shop the other day, and he told me it was only because of the lovely sign you got me for Christmas two years ago," Fred blurted out, making me laugh.

"How's the joke shop going by the way?" I asked.

"Excellent. I suppose people need a laugh these days, with all the bad news and what have you," George explained, sighing.

"Damn right they do."

"So...have you figured out why you survived that night?" Hermione questioned.

I shook my head. "Nope. But I'm not worried about that. I just wonder what Voldemort's gonna do now that they all probably think I'm immortal or something."

"Maybe you are. Wouldn't that be so cool?" Ron said stupidly, earning a smack on the head from Ginny.

"It just doesn't make any sense--" Hermione began, only to be cut off by the shrill yelling of Mrs. Weasley.

"Out of there, all of you! She's trying to rest!"

Everyone gave me small waves and soft smiles before hurrying out of the room. Mrs. Weasley gave me an apologetic look, before quietly closing the door, and leaving me alone once again.

I rolled onto my back and sighed, staring up at the ceiling. I had a lot of questions about what had happened the night I 'died.' I still had no idea if Dumbledore's life was spared, or what came of Malfoy. Hopefully I'd see Harry soon. Sometimes, he's the only person I can get a straight answer from.

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