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I wasn't alone for long after Harry had left me. Actually, it was only minutes later when Hermione approached me, wearing a simple, but beautiful red dress. "I see you've already eaten enough food to feed an entire country," she commented, smirking.

"I see you haven't," I retorted.

She leaned closer, smiling playfully. "So, how are things with Harry?"

I shrugged. "He's alright. Bad at most romantic things, but I don't mind."

"He must be a good kisser for you to want to snog him so much."

I blushed and smacked her arm. "You need to learn the difference between snogging and kissing. We've hardly been dating long enough to do such a thing anyway."

The bright witch sighed, shaking her head at me. "I just don't understand why that boy is head over heels for you."

"Beats me."

The two of us shared a small laugh just before a chilled breeze slightly shifted the tent, sending shivers up my arms. I looked around curiously, and exchanged concerned looks with Hermione. Just then, a misty blue sphere rocketed through the tent, and stopped right in the middle of a huge crowd.

I quickly made my way over there, already growing anxious. Even an idiot could tell that this spherical figure was not going to be followed with trouble.

"The Ministry has fallen," a voice, seemingly coming from the sphere announced in a sinister tone. "The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming. They are coming..."

Just like that, the figure turned to nothingness, and panic began to rise. Everyone was hurrying out of the tent and Disapparating. I looked around for Harry, growing more and more afraid. The Death Eaters were coming, and there was no doubt in my mind that they were after us.

That was when black, smoky wisps began shooting through the material of the tent, setting things ablaze. I managed to duck just before one of them hit me square in the face. People were screaming, spells were flying this way and that, and I hadn't the slightest clue as to where to go, or what to do. My body was practically frozen as I crouched down, trying to avoid getting killed. Then, a pair of hands pulled me upward, and spun me around. 

"Violet, you need to get out of here. Go find Tonks," Harry instructed me, his voice laced with panic.

"You aren't coming?" I asked worriedly.

"I-I can't. I have to go."

"Go? No, you can't just leave!" I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I was going to take you, Violet, I was! But you're hurt, and I won't be able to take care of you," he tried reasoning.

"You won't have to, I swear! I'm okay!"

Two arms grabbed me from behind. "Go, Harry, now! I've got her!" Remus' voice demanded.

"Please don't leave me like this..." I sobbed, my voice weak and cracking. At a time like this, I needed Harry more than ever, and here he was, telling me that he was leaving.

The green-eyed boy brought his hands to my face, and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Be safe, my love. I'll be back before you know it."

I watched, crying my eyes out, as he ran toward Ron and Hermione. "Please don't go!"

Harry gave me one last apologetic look, and grabbed Hermione's hand. "I love you, Violet."

Then, the trio was gone.


Remus had handed me off to Tonks, who snuck me inside. We ducked down behind a sofa in the living room, waiting for the events outside to pass.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" My guardian asked me worriedly.

"Harry left me," I whimpered, crying into my hands.

"Violet, you knew he couldn't take you. What if you got hurt even worse? He only did it because he knew you'd be safer. Besides, I doubt it's the last you'll see of him, eh?"

"What if he gets killed?" I cried even harder at the thought of never seeing Harry again. Now I understood how he felt when I fell off the Astronomy Tower.

"Sweetie, the fact that he knows you're waiting for him will only motivate him even more to make sure nothing happens. Not to mention, he's got Hermione and Ron to help him out. Just trust him, alright?"

I sniffled, and nodded my head. "Alright."

She pulled me into her arms, rubbing my back affectionately. Tonks knew how much Harry and I loved each other. She knew I didn't get to tell Harry that I loved him before he disappeared. That could've very well been my last time seeing him, and what was killing me was that I just didn't know. I didn't know where he was, or what he was doing. If he died, I would have to find out by realizing that he wasn't coming back, because he couldn't. Dead people don't come back.

"Do you think I-I'll see him again before the w-war?" I spat out between sobs.

"Of course I do. Be patient, now."

I silently nodded my head, but continued to cry. Being patient isn't always very easy.

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