Wonderland's Alice

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I was a normal 16 year old, well a nerdy one at least. I liked anime, disney,  and other nredy things. but that's not were our story starts.

It started when I was out shopping, when I came across an old Alice and wonderland vcr tape. it wasn't you normal wonderland tape the picture was messed up. Each on of the characters had a terrorized look on there face, I thought of it as so stupid prank some kids were puling. So I bought it and went home. Now I already had a wierd obbission with Wornderland being as my name is Alice like the main character, so as soon as I went home I went to my basement where my family's vcr was and started to watch this tape. this is where is got wierd, the movie started normal, but half way through let's just say wasn't the happy go lucky version. As Alice walked through the path the world became more realistic, I again thought it was just some prank. Then when Alice go to the queen of hearts the movie started to look grossest, the queen in warning had hung the the behead body's all around the place and a faint whispere could be heard saying "your the next Alice". I should have stopped the movie but I went on, something told me to. You know at the end whem Alice males it home? Yeah it didn't end like that, the whisper was a demonic voice now screaming "YOUR THE NEXT ALICE". Alice was with the Queen her head was in a cloth bag and over a block of wood covered in blood. I ran a hand through my blond hair as I continue watching my skinny body shaking. The movie was ome I didn't enjoy. As Alice struggled fighting against the guards a man in black came out and rasied an ax above his head. I knew what was about the happen but I couldn't look away. As if taken but surprise her head was cut off and I screamed. as it faded a black figure came out of the TV, I couldn't tell you if it was male or female but it was very strange considering it was all black. it looked at me and in it's demonic voice said. "You the next alice go and find others and bring them to wonderland", with that he dissappeared. I instantly stood up and walked away. Now I am in my room waiting for my parents I will send them to wonderland first. Them I will come for you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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