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Hi there! It's me, Biscuit, now with Mirena gifs!

Now normally, I'd wait a little longer before I introduce a new chapter, but I suppose this is a special case! I'm trying to figure out a good balance between length of a chapter and frequency of updates, so I thought I'd try uploading a bit of a ...

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Now normally, I'd wait a little longer before I introduce a new chapter, but I suppose this is a special case! I'm trying to figure out a good balance between length of a chapter and frequency of updates, so I thought I'd try uploading a bit of a shorter chapter this time. I'm still trying to figure it out, though. Which would you prefer? Shorter, more frequent chapters, or longer, less timely ones? Let me know! (*^ω^*)


"Okada Megumi. It's nice to meet you."

Aiko looked down at the hand that "Okada Megumi" had offered her, shamelessly staring at its form. It was tall and thin, much like the girl it belonged to, and just as puzzling. How could she be so quick to formalities, despite having been seemingly disgusted by her only moments before? The question troubled her. She looked up again, revealing a puzzled face that mirrored her own. Okada Megumi lowered her hand, ever so slightly.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concern tinting her layered voice. She cocked her head slightly, drawing her defined eyebrows together. Her sparkling smile left her lips, having been replaced with a flat pout. Even then, she had a certain womanly air, one that never seemed to leave her.

"Nothing!" She said suddenly. Aiko practically jumped at her own words, having startled both Megumi and herself. A blush spread across her face, creeping slowly to the tips of her ears.

I'm a complete mess. She thought to herself, her head sinking as she cowered out of embarrassment. It's my first day here, and I'm already acting like a complete fool. The creeping blush soon turned to waves of shame, and her face reddened even more. Her shoulders sank as she tried to regain composure, taking in a deep breath of the moisture-laden air with a slow grace. It was a tactic she used quite often, temporarily shutting herself down in order to regain the upper hand. However, it often proved to be a nuisance when keeping up her aggressive persona in conversation. Introductions had always been her weakness, countered only by impromptu speeches. Another wavering breath passed through her, filling her lungs with the oxygen needed to speak, and her body the courage to do so. After what seemed like forever, she had regained focus. Her brittle movements softened, and she began to look upwards. Before she could, however, a new sensation washed over her.

Okada Megumi had left her position of two steps, bridging the gap to zero. Long, warm arms embraced her briefly, filling her body with a brand new sensation. it was sudden, yet Aiko relaxed, already preparing her excuses in the back of her mind. "You started it, not me." "It's not my fault you can't leave me alone!" "I was just taking advantage of the situation." All valid excuses, more or less. Still, it was rare that she ever received hugs, let alone from a stranger like Okada Megumi. It was out-of-character for her, but maybe she even enjoyed it? She pushed the thoughts aside, savouring the brief and bizarre contact before Megumi pulled away. Her hands remained on Aiko's shoulders, if only for a few seconds.

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