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(Song has nothing to do with story but I just like it)

Frisk POV
Cory and I stood at the podium and had all monsters looking up to us adoringly.I was stressed for sure,but Cory seemed confident."Alright,Gray,u may go first,"The speaker spoke."Well,I would like to say that,monsters are.....Well monsters,the scary demons who r now invading our world,and misleading poor little children,"Ms.Gray spoke at the other podium."Ok,first of all,its ambassadors to you-"Cory started.-"And Monster is just what people started calling those nightmares they brought upon themselves,"Cory looked at Ms.Gray with the piercing look he had given almost every monster once."Alright new topic how would u feel if u were locked up in a cave for over a century?"I said immediately right after Cory.A cheer erupted throughout the monsters sitting in front of us."I would just accept my fate of living in a hole and give up,"Ms.Gray stated.Cory's eye and lenses turned red."And give up on what? Your hopes and dreams? One thing we learned down there was to never give up,to stay determined,but what's it to u if u were them and saw the sun for the first time?Am I right Jessica Gray?"Cory would have stormed off.Ms.Gray looked as if punched in the face.Cory turned around,closed his eyes,and turned back around,eye and lense normal color."Ms.Gray,be honest,put yourself in their shoes,pretend humans and monsters switched places,u lived in a stuffy cave where nothing or anyone new ever came,but then suddenly,two monsters fall into the cave and bring u to see the sun again,how would u feel?"I asked,a lot less aggressive than Cory."I.....I......"Ms.Gray stopped.She walked off the podium and backstage."And the winners of the debate are the Ambassadors of Monsters,Frisk and Cory,"The man spoke through the speakers again.Mettaton and Napstablook came up on stage with their camera guy Burgerpants."I know this has nothing to do with the debate but,how exactly did u beauties destroy the wretched barrier,"Mettaton asked us while Napstablook played backgrounds music.Babumm......Babumm,doo a,bum Doo a."We didn't,Asriel did,"I answered.There was a gasp from the monster crowd and a confused murmur from the departing human side.Toriel walked up stage."Excuse us a moment,"Toriel ushered us backstage."How do u two know about Asriel?"She looked horrified.So we told her the entire story and how Flowey is Asriel.

So we told her the entire story and how Flowey is Asriel

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