Remember? Final Chapter

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Frisk POV~

"Oh yeah-Frisk thinks it's funny when-"Alphys started."Alphys,I told you to not tell him I said that!"I begged.She giggled.Cory looked clueless as to what we were talking about."Why don't we head to the dump?"Cory suggested."Sure,I need to do something quick-I'll meet ya there,"Alphys told us as we left."Hey,Cory?"I got his attention as we walked through the lantern room."Yeah?"He replied,leading us into Temmie Village,where it was deserted.Not even the Statue of Tem was here anymore."I know something is up,"I told him sadly."Exactly,nothing is up,"Cory said a bit irritably."Im your friend Cory,I don't want to assume In your best friend,but your mine-and Im worried,"I told him.He stayed quiet as we walked back into the lantern room."Atleast tell me what you were doing in the true lab?"I offered."I was watching the tapes,"He told me."Oh,"I replied.When we got there,we decided to sit on the couch.An awkward silence had come between us,and I didn't like it."Why did you go to Hotland?"I decided to ask."I was getting cold in Waterfall-Oh,I was with Napstablook,"He told me."I've got this weird feeling about Betty,"Cory said randomly."Why do you say that?"I asked."You feel it too,dont you?"He looked at me confusedly."Well,we dont talk to her much,"I offered."No-I mean when we met her-I felt like I knew her,"Cory told me."Well,I do feel more cautious around her-that what Ive noticed at least,"I told him,realizing I knew what he was talking about."Also,what happened back in the true lab?"I asked him."Chara,the demon that comes when you call her name,"Cory said calmly."Cory?"I questioned.Cory's lense started turning red,the gray,then red,etc."It's nothing,it's hard to explain,"He told me.I nodded glumly."Remember when we first fell?"I asked,breaking the silence."Yeah,then we met Asriel,then Toriel,them Sans,Then Papyrus,Then Undyne,Then Alphys,Then Asgor-"Cory listed."I get it!"I giggled.

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