Chapter 8

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Jeff's point of view

"Jeff, Jeff can you hear me" the voice called

"Hum, Isabel is that you" I asked

"Try again. It's Sally, Slendy heard that there was something wrong and it had something to do with Jane" she explained wide eyed with fear

"Where's Isabel" I sat up remembering the puppeteer

"I don't know" she told me

"What time is it" I asked standing up and realizing its dark out

"9, what's with all the questions" she said confused

"Oh fuck no" I muttered. "Slendy do you know when Is gets out of school" I asked since he always knew everything

"Um about 2, why" he answered and asked

"Some guy named the puppeteer knocked me and Jake out. Just before he knocked me out he said he worked for Jane and she wanted Is" I explained looking out the windows for her car

"Oh no this is not good" spoke Slendy "The Puppeteer is one of the Creepypasta OutCasts they refused to come to the Slender Mansion. Not all of them turned on us but most. The other little became my proxys and live somewhere else but the rest probably live with Jane I guess she used that to her advantage" he explained

"Shit we have to find her, now!" I spat walking out the door and in the direction of her school.

Isabel's point of view
Time- 2 o'clock

I finished my last class of the day and went out to my truck. I was the only one that got out at this time so I was always the only one in the parking lot.

As I got in my car I heard a voice. "So you're Isabel, not much. What could she want with a simple girl like you" he said as I wiped my head back to see two glowing yellow eyes and a mouth in the darkness

"Who are you and what do you mean"

"Well I'm The Puppeteer, and for your second question all will be explained in time" he laughed as glowing yellow strings rapped around me and my eyes started to shut until I blacked out


When I came to I was in a white room, there was 3 lights in a row, the walls were covered in blood. There where no windows and no visible doors.

"Where am I" I mutter standing up and then bracing my self against a wall "ah fuck, my head"

"Oh goody you're awake and dizzy, I don't have too worry about you fighting me" a voice sung, so I'm guessing it was she

"Being a little dizzy isn't going to stop me from kicking your ass" I spat

"Awe you just met me! Don't be so rude didn't your parents teach you manners oh wait... you killed them" she laughed

"Who are you" I asked not being able to see her since everything was spinning now that I was standing

"I'm one of Jeff's friends, didn't he tell you about me or where you to busy making out. You know you shouldn't kiss people who try to kill you" she giggled. Oh how she was making me mad. I clenched my fists and locked my jaw "Awe someone's getting mad" she mocked as my vision became clear. The woman's skin was pure white and she had a black dress that came just above her knees accompanied with black high heels, a black leather jacket and a purl neckless. Her tight curled jet black hair framed her face. Her black lipstick in a smirk. Her eyes my god her eyes they were pure black making her look as though she was blind but clear she wasn't.

"Who the fuck are you" I spat standing up off the wall

"Haha, I'm Jane" she laughed

"Ok Jane, what do you want from me"

"Well it wouldn't be fun if you knew know would it" she sung cocking her hip and pointing her finger

"No, no it wouldn't" I played along

"Now just remember don't go to sleep" said walking to the wall and banging on it as it opened. "You won't wake up" she gigged her annoying giggle and then left

What could she want with me and how did she know everything about me I would know if someone was watching me. I've been doing this fo- My thoughts were cut off by a wall lowering to revel weapons, as I looked up at them Janes voice echoed "Take one you'll need it"

So I walked up to the lowered wall and looked at it. There where guns and swords knifes and other various weapons. Being me I chose a knife it had a black handle and the blade was sharp very, very sharp.

As I toke one out the wall closed again and the lights went out making the room pitch black. It toke a bit for my eyes to get used to the dark but they did. The room still looked emty but something was off the lights were off for a reason and for once my life the dark scared me it had a sinister feeling to it.

I griped the knife harder in my hand. as I looked around everywhere making sure there was no one behind me. "Hahahah, do you even know how to use that" it laughed. 'Shit' I thought. this was a face off between me and that thing, she was testing me. Seeing if I had what it takes, but for what.

"Who's there" I sounded so blond

"Haha, your worst nightmare" it cackled back

"I doubt it" I said loosening up a bit at its stupid reply

"Oh really now" it said walking out of the darkness a bit. As my eyes made out a womanly figure, she was holding a um crap whats the name of it, it was a framing tool used to cut weat and stuff.

"You don't scare me" I told her standing up more straight" who are you"

"Me, I'm Scarecrow, now this is going to be easy" she said as she spied her sword thing at me and I dogged it running past her a cutting her side only to realize there was no blood on my knife

"What the fuck" I spat out loud looking at my knife then the thing

"Haha, don't call me scare crow for shits and giggles" she laughed as I processed what she said.

"You got to be kidding me" I said dogging another swing. This bitch was made out of straw she's a legit scare crow ahhh.

"Can't run for long" she song. What am I going to do there has to be way to kill her or at lest slow her down. That's it! she doesn't bleed but I can still cut her I knew to cut her into pieces.

"Ha lets see who CAN run after I'm done with you" I said running past her a cutting her arm off,

"You bitch" she spat "I'll get you for that" she said swing her sword thing again but missing I cut her leg off causing her to fall on the ground.

"What are you going to do know" I said running by her a cutting her head off

"Oh how I wish to kill you now" she spook in my hands

"Shut up" I said taking her sword thingy and standing it against a wall then placing her hear throw the end off it

"Ah bitch" she said

"OH MY GOD shut up" I said shoving some straw in her mouth "there quiet" I said putting my knife in my pocket as a door opened on the other side of the room.

"Am I free now" I asked out loud hoping to walk out side.

As I got in the room I realized this was NOT outside. I was in a room with a blood covered bed dresser and floor the window was open the air was thick and it was dark it was a replica of my... my mom and dads room right after I killed them.

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