I don't know why I looked up, but when I did I saw him there. He stood against my window. His forehead rested against the glass, and his eyes were still and light and he smiled a lipstick-red, cartoonish grin. And he just stood there in the window. My wife was upstairs sleeping, my son was in his crib and I couldn't move I froze and watched him looking past me through the glass.Oh, please no. His smile never moved but he put a hand up and slid it down the glass, watching me. With matted hair and yellow skin and face through the window.I couldn't do anything. I just stayed there, frozen, feet still in the bushes I was pruning, looking into my home. He stood against my window.
Short horror stories
Жахиguys just to let you know, a lot of these are not mine so don't criticize me for it I'm not into the writing spirit which is why my last two ended hopefully this one will go for a lot longer thx P.S. CUSTOM COVERS MIGHT BE ACCEPTED