Chapter 2

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"I'm getting married Saturday, and was wondering if you'd be my best man," Iwaizumi said.

I couldn't process what I was hearing. Iwaizumi was getting married?!

"Since when were you engaged?" I asked. "I told you I was months ago! You don't listen Shittykawa!" he exclaimed in an angrily manner. Oh. "So? Will you?" he asked. 

"Of course!" I said, but deep down, inside of me, I was crying. Why? Why was I crying? Shouldn't I be happy for my best friend?" I started to feel uneasy. Not about Iwaizumi or his fiancee, but about myself. I could feel myself tense up. I could feel anger bubbling up inside of me. Why was I angry? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Iwaizumi left to go home.

Usually I'd walk home with him, but my uneasiness was telling me not to. My subconscious kept telling me 'no.' I began to think.  Why are you not letting me go? It's his decision to choose who he wants to be with? Right?

Before I knew it, tears were streaming from my eyes. Oh. I'm crying. I wiped them and ran up to see if I could catch up to Iwa-chan. I don't care what my subconscious thinks.

"Iwa-chan!!" I yelled when I noticed him about to turn a corner.

"Shut up. Stop yelling, and what do you want?" he asked.

"I'm walking home with you, and I thought maybe we could watch the launch that's suppose to happen today," I said quietly.

"No, Shittykawa," he said bluntly.

"Oh...okay," I said smiling and turned to talk in the direction of my house. Don't cry. He has a life. He has people who he loves. Stop trying to be in his life. Not everything is about you.

I turned around to see if Iwa-chan would turn around, but he didn't. He never turned around. He kept walking. Sadness sunk into my soul and a bit of craziness. Craziness? Yes. I don't know where it came from.

I got home. I didn't eat. I didn't think. I went straight to bed and stared at the ceiling. I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't process what was happening. I guess everything happens for a reason, but what reason was keeping me from Iwaizumi?




My phone was ringing, but at this point, I didn't want to talk to anyone.




I once again ignored the call.




I finally grabbed my phone about to throw the phone. It was Iwaizumi. No. I'm not going to talk to him. I'm not going to. I stared at the call until it stopped ringing.




I let it ring and walked out of the house. I walked to the park, and there was Iwaizumi by the lake. I tried to hide, but was too late when he noticed I was there.

"Why weren't you answering my calls?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"I didn't have my phone," I lied.

"Well I need you," he said.

"What-" I said as he suddenly took me by the hand and pulled me along. I was slightly blushing. My heart was going insane. He pulled me to his soon-to-be wife. She was nice. Her hair was short and brown. Her eyes were like sparkling blue water. No wonder Iwaizumi fell in love with her.

"Nice to meet you, Oikawa," she said. She was so nice, but I wanted to kill her. Wait. What? Kill her? Stop thinking bad about her. "Nice to meet you too," I said back to her trying to hold a smile. What's wrong with me?

"Oikawa, 4 more days until our big day! Don't forget," Iwaizumi said. "Like I'd ever forget," I said trying to be enthusiastic. Bit by bit, I felt like I was getting crazier.


Can you come over?


Sure. What do you need?


I need to go over something with you.

I walked to Iwa-chan's house, and  soon as I walked in, I was greeted by his fiancee.

"Good afternoon, Oikawa. Haijime is in the next room over there, and I'll have a batch of cookies made in a moment," she said smiling. "I would love some cookies," I said smiling back. Oh how I would love to kill you too. I smacked myself. She stared at me in surprise. Stop thinking like that.

"Are you okay, Oikawa?" she asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm okay," I responded. I then walked into the room where Iwaizumi was in. "Iwa-chan," I said. "Yes?" he responded. "What did you need to go over?" I said. "What's your favorite color?" he asked. "Blue? Why?" I asked. He could have texted me if he wanted to know that? "I guess the tuxedos are going to be blue then, except mine of course," he said. The rest of the day we spent talking about arrangements and stuff. When I was about to leave, Iwa-chan's fiancee spoke to me.

"Have a good night, Oikawa. Get home safely," she said waving.

"See you soon!" I waved back.

See you really soon.

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