Chapter 5

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I watched her struggle to move. "Well if you keep moving around like that, you'll die faster. So stop," I said. "Why you..?" she asked. "Because I won't be able to have my fun," I responded. "What are you, the devil?" she yelled. I struck her with the knife inches away from her heart. "Maybe. What if I'm an angel?" I asked. "You'd be one cold hearted, broken angel!" she yelled infuriatingly. Broken? I don't like that word. Could she not have chosen a nicer word? "Cold hearted? Yes, indeed. Broken? No," I said. "You are broken! It's as if a malfunction of machine was unfix unable!" she exclaimed. Broken. Broken. I'm broken. I laughed.

She looked at me scared. "Me? I'm broken? Of course not! That's the absolute funniest thing I've heard all year!" I said as I continued to laugh. I laughed to the point of tears whilst she got even more nervous. "Oh, don't get scared now. You weren't scared when you were yelling meaningless things at me," I said. At the moment, I became more serious. I stopped laughing and stared at her with a straight face.

"Any last words?" I asked. "You're going to hell and tell Hajime, I love him," she said. I then stabbed the knife through her head. "I know I am, and that last thing? I can't do," I whispered as I left her lifeless body in a puddle of blood.

As I walked out of the house, I realized it was a bit before noon. Oh shoot. Didn't the wedding start at exactly 12? "I'm late!" I screamed. I had forgotten my shirt was soaked in blood. "This won't do," I said as I lifted my shirt. I took off my shirt and carried it on my shoulder.

I then sprinted home, got my tux and hurried to the church. "Oikawa! Where have you been?!" Iwaizumi's friend came yelling at me. I think his name was Issei Matsukawa. "I was at my friends' parent's house," I lied. "Oh okay," he said, "well go put on your tux." I began walking when he added, "have you seen Iwaizumi's fiancee?" I stopped in my tracks. "I haven't seen her, but the last time I've talked to her was when she needed help with something," I said. "Iwaizumi has been looking for her since she's gone missing. Thanks anyway," Issei said as he took his leave.

I went to go put on my tuxedo. Blue. Such a beauty. I then went to look at myself in the mirror. "Oh! I look stunning!" I gasped.

Broken. Angel.

Broken. Angel.

Broken. Angel.

The words kept repeating in my head.

Broken. Angel.

You'd be one cold hearted, broken angel!

Broken. Angel.

You are broken!

Broken. Angel.

I began to laugh. "Why are you taunting me? I'm not broken, I'm simply just too perfect for anyone to understand," I said to myself laughing.

Iwazumi came up to me. "Iwa-chan, you don't look so good," I said. "I'm stressing out. I haven't found her yet, and the wedding will be starting soon. Do you think she's just late?" he said. "Probably," I said lying. We waited until the wedding started. We waited longer throughout the wedding. She never showed up.

"I guess she didn't want to marry me," Iwaizumi said. "What makes you say that?" I asked. "I asked a friend of hers, and she says she probably traveled to another country," he said. "Another country?" I questioned. "Yeah. She randomly brought up how she wanted to travel. So I'm not surprised," he said as he sighed.

"Well I'm always here when you need to talk," I said smiling.

"Thanks Oikawa," he said with a soft smile.

Get away from him.

Stop you'll hurt him.

"No I won't," I whispered to myself.

You will. You will.

"Fucking watch me."

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