one bite can change it all

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heey this is my first story. I am from the netherlands so my english isn't that good but I really tried to write it as good as possible. I hope you like my story please let my know in the comments. I have a lot of ideas for this story so I hope to share them with you. here is the first chapter enjoy xx

It was already late but I wanted to check if the horses were alright. The last few days a lot of animals went missing. And because I liked horses I was worried something would happen to them. I knew that I didn’t need to worry about it,the Luters didn’t ask  me anything when it came to their farm. They thought I was a stupid girl and the only reason they took me in was because they were paid for it. But you didn’t hear me complain since the dead of my parents a year ago I was happy to have a place to stay. I lived in many families but in none of them I felt like I could be myself. Okey I wasn’t really nice to them either but I just wanted to leave them as soon as possible. Eventually child protection told me they had found a family for me who lived just outside a village called Linvil. Because I didn’t really had an other option I accepted their offer. Maybe it was good to start over in a new village where nobody knew me. The family’s name was Luters and I got a small shed on their land. It wasn’t big I had a small kitchen which consisted out a stove and a sink and I got a little refrigerator. In the corner is my bed and in the middle of the room stands my table with two chairs. I don’t have a shower so I need to shower at the house where the Luters live. They aren’t really happy with this and either am I. But I am happy with a place for myself  I am sixteen now so I don’t really need someone to take care of me. And the Luters barley visit  me because they think it is to much work to drive to my shed. Because their land is so big and I live almost at the end of their property they need to drive to me because it’s an 20 minute walk.

I walked outside and was greeted by a cold breeze. In this part of America it is still cold even though it was spring in the rest of America. I live close to the Rocky mountains so most of the time it is cold here. I walked in the direction of the fence where the meadows were. The Luters have a big property and the horses stood on the edge of the property where the woods start. I love to be outside at school we only sit inside during the break.  After 15 minutes I finally saw the woods appear from the darkness. And there they were. All ten and unharmed. I started to walk in their direction but then froze to the ground. Out of the woods appeared two golden balls. They seemed to glow in the moonlight. Slowly the figure walked out of the woods. It was the biggest wolf I have ever seen in my life. And he was pitch black. The horses must have smelled him and galloped away quickly. I thought the wolf would go after them but instead he kept his eyes on my. Slowly he started to walk in my direction. I once heard to stay where you are and not move. But I couldn’t stand here when there was a big wolf in front of me. Slowly I started walking backward. But I could not restrain myself and started running back to were I came from. I knew it was a stupid idea but I could try it. I was to scared to look behind me but I could feel the earth shake and  the gasping of the wolf right behind me. A few yard away were a few trees. If I could try to reach them, maybe I could climb in one of them. But just when I thought about it my foot got stuck in a hole. I fell hard to the ground. I tried to get up but the wolf was already there. The wolf jumped on me and my body collapsed under his weight. Slowly he moved his head closer to mine and bared his teeth. He smelled like rotten meat and I almost started vomiting . And then he sank his teeth in my shoulder. The pain was indescribably I felt like I was going to die. But my pain wasn’t enough for the wolf. Slowly he moved his head in the direction of my waist. And then he sank his teeth also in my waist. It felt like al my organs were removed and were replaced with pain who burned inside my body. I felt my clothes becoming wet. I knew doubtlessly that it was blood. Than I felt something rough against my skin. Probably the tongue of the wolf who licked my blood . it wouldn’t be long before he would rip me to pieces. Slowly I started to see black spots and I hoped that I would black out soon because I couldn’t bear the pain anymore. And at that moment everything went black.

I felt hellish pain in my shoulder and waist and I immediately knew I was awake. I kept my eyes shut one because I was to scared to see where I was and two because I wasn’t able to open them. They felt really heavy and the only thing I saw was black void. When I got used to the pain who filled my body, I felt that I wasn’t laying on the ground anymore but I felt two strong arms around me and a warm body against my bare skin. Who was this and where was the wolf. Was there finally someone who saved me from that monster. I opened my eyes carefully, and could vaguely see the outlines of a man in the moonlight. Slowly I tried to look around me to find a clew of where I was but the only thing I could see was darkness. The moon only showed me the man who carried me. The man must have notices that I had moved my head and before I knew what happened he threw me over his back. My head fell against his bare back and a couple of seconds later my hands fell beside my body. I expected to feel a soft fabric against my arms but instead I felt warm skin. what was this, this man was naked. Suddenly I got a panic attack what did this man want from me. I tried to get out of his grip. But he only strengthen his grip on my legs. I tried it again but then the pain came bag and everything went black again.  

so what do you think i hope you like it please let me know in the comments and please vote x

i am sorry that I didn't really discribe the main character but her name is naomi and she has brown hair. she is 16 years old and her parrents died a few years ago. she is still in high school but I tell you more about that in the next chapter x

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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