Chapter 4: Feelings.

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After the whole fight and argument I was ignoring both Andy and Ashley, I know Ash just wants the best for me, and Andy is emotional but they have no right to fight on what is my second day back. 

I sat in the back garden of the BVB house just scrolling through my twitter reading all the welcome back messages to see Juliet sit beside me with two cups of hot chocolate, I smile and say thanks, as she places her self beside me, taking a sip of hers.

"Why are you so nice to me Indigo?" Juliet says suddenly, causing me to take my attention away from my phone and look at her.

"Why would I be? You've done nothing. And when you have that's all in the past which I've put behind me" I say smiling at her, as she smiles back.

"I'm sorry, I was such a bitch to you in the past. I stole Andy from you, I'm even getting married to him. And the hardest part is, is that I know he still loves you" She says which shocks me, I shake my head.

"Like I said what you did in the past I don't care about. And Andy loving me, will fade in time, we both no what he's like. I for one have moved on, my feelings for him are far from love Juliet. You don't need to worry" She smiles at me as I say this and pulls me into a surprise hug, which shocks me for a second, but I quickly hug her back smiling. She pulls away looking at me all seriousness in her face.

"Will you be my bridesmaid for my wedding?" I gasp at her question and nod, pulling her in for another hug, we both smile and start planning the colour scheme, food, music, speeches and dresses. We couldn't wait our planning was soon interrupted when my phone rang. Looking at the called ID I see it's Chris my face instantly lighting up I answer. Juliet waving a goodbye smile as she walked back into the house to give me some privacy.

"Hey Cerulli how can I help you?" I say jokingly, a little giggle in my voice.

"Oh so were on second name basis are we now Skylar" He says mockingly, I giggle and shake my head even though I realise he can't see me, causing me to facepalm.

"Haha very funny. So why are you calling me at this hour?" I ask.

"Oh no reason just a little birdie told me you're going to be bridesmaid for Juliet and Andys wedding. So I have a question for you" He says.

"And that question is?" I say all wonder in my voice.

"Will you be my date for their wedding" He said so fast I almost missed it, I smile at his question a slight blush coming to my cheeks.

"Of course Chris I would love too" I hear him let out a sigh of relief and I giggle.

"Thanks Indie, I'll have the hott- Never mind" He clears his throat, I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Hey Chris, I have to go. I'll see you at the wedding" We say our goodbyes and I hang up a smile never leaving my face, as I pick up my hot chocolate and enter the house, to see Juliet in the Kitchen with Andy, talking to one another and Jake sat on a bar stool on his phone, he lives his head up when he sees me walk in.

"Hey Indie what's got you all smiley?" He says wiggling his eyebrows, which causes Juliet and Andy to pay attention.

"Must have been a very good conversation with the one and only Chris Motionless" Juliet winks at me, which causes me to blush. Which causes Andy's jaw to clench again.

"Leave me alone you guys stop picking on me" I joke leaving the room, and walk up the stairs to my room.

It had been an hour, since I had the phone call with Chris, and Jake and Juliet teasing me. I found myself scrolling through instagram, when I snapped out of my daze I noticed just who's I was scrolling through it was Chris's, I grumbled in frustration why couldn't I get him out my head. I fell back on my bed, hugging my batman plushie to my chest when a soft knock came from my door. I muttered a come in, when Juliet came in, I sat up and quickly closed of instagram since I noticed I had still left it on Chris.

"So you going to tell me why the conversation with Chris has left you grinning like the Cheshire cat?" Juliet says sitting on my bed.

"He asked me to be his date for your wedding, but he's made me smile before that, and now I just can't get him out of my head Jules. I don't know what to do" I say as I sighed, she giggled and crossed her legs on my bed facing me.

"It's obvious, you're beginning to like Chris" My eyes widened at her words and quickly shook my head.

"Oh no, defiantly not were so different like Chalk and Cheese" She laughs once again.

"Exactly opposites attract" She wiggles her eyebrows as I blush.

"This will work perfectly with my wedding theme though, I'm doing a mascaraed. And you have to find your partner. The plan is you have to partner with someone before 1 minute to midnight, and as soon as the clock chimes to midnight you kiss your partner you have selected and then you both remove your masks" She claps giddily, as my eyes widen. 

"A-And why are you doing this at your wedding....???" I say almost speechless.

"It's to show if you really know your partner that well" I start to feel nauseous as I soon realise that her wedding is tomorrow. She smiles and hugs me, while leaving my room not before once again turning around and wiggling her eyebrows

"Sweet dreams Indie, we have a busy day tomorrow!" As soon as she leaves I fall back onto my bed, and let out a long sigh, as sleep began to overtake me.




Juliet Simms at the top ^^^^^^ 

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