In 2032, World War 3 began. No one remembers what triggered the war, but as quickly as the war started, it ended. Shortly after the war began, in 2033, North Korea introduced the first ever "Super-Weapon". Collectively known as "The Godhand". It ran on a new type of recently discovered energy called Infinia Energy. Infinia Energy was only recently discovered 2 years prior to the war. Suspected of being able to produce energy that easily dwarfed anything that came before it. However, it was experimental and it was quickly seen that it held high amounts of radioactive properties, making it highly dangerous. Clearly, that didn't stop the North Koreans from weaponizing it.
The Godhand fired its first shot on January 3rd, 2033. The desctructive properties were off the charts. It was easily 10x more powerful than a nuclear blast. Infinia Energy proved itself as the number one source of power, and the other nations raced to match the power that the Godhand held. It didn't take long for other nations to launch their own "Super-Weapons" powered by Infinia Energy. And by 2035, the entire world was leveled.
No one thought of the extreme dangers of using such powerful weapons. The war left the world desolate, bleak, dishevled. A shadow of its former self. All modern conventions, and modern society vanished. Yet, life continued on. The human race persisted and lived on through such destruction. The entire world was blanketed by horrible radiation left over from Infinia Energy. This radiation didn't appear to have much impact on the world, other than killing off some animals, making food harder to come by, and making some lands even more inhospitable than they already were.
Thirty years later, in 2065, this changed. The first Abnorm was born. Abnorm, just another word for mutant. His name was Zachary Merv. He is known as "The First". Or rather, the first documented mutant born.
Jump another 20 years, to 2085. Many Abnorms have been born. To the point where they are taking over the world. Sure, there are still more regular humans, than mutated people, but the point is moot. Abnorms don't fit in with the meager society that human's live in even now. They band together, and create gangs. These gangs establish territorities, and take up rule over all who live in their territory, making it even harder on the simple folk that are just trying to eke out an existence. The world is not being overrun with these horrible organizations of Abnorms. Average people stand no chance against them. Their powers and abilities prove far too hard a barrier, and people give in, to the oppression. A direct result of these horrible actions, is that humans fight back, and discriminate against anyone with an abnormality. Going so far as to cast out their very children when they realize their kid is an Abnorm.
A group has risen up to stop the outbreak of the mutants. They refer to themselves as the World Guard. A group of human radicalists, ran by Great Commander Arnold C. Feyvann. He absolutely despises all Abnorms everywhere and has made it the World Guard's highest duty of eradicating all Abnorms, which he adamantly preaches are the 'Devil's children'. "Abominations that should not exist on this world. They make it impure. To even hope of reestablishing world order, the threat that is the Abnorms must cease to exist. They stand in the way of establishing the New World." So even this long after the war, the world is no closer to how it was just 50 years ago. It seems the Dark World is here to stay.
Still, not all Abnorms are evil. There are Abnorms out there that hide their power, trying to fit in as best as possible. There are Abnorms out there that help, aid, and protect the weak. One such Abnorm is the heroine of this story. Her name, is Vira.
The Dark World ~ prologue
AdventureA world devastated by a war. Left with nothing but the clothing on our backs. Human life continues on. Even in this bleak new world. Common conveniences of today, are the vaguest memories of the people of this future. Whats worse, is there are human...