The Assembly

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After getting our schedules, room numbers, and a not-very-well-drawn map of the building and layout of the campus, we head out into the hallway before stopping. Honestly, seeing the huge mass of students before me made my stomach churn. The fact that they were all stuck up Royals didn't help at all. All in all, I was in for one hell of a year.

Why? Because I'm what's known as a Fallen. The result of an Angelblood and a Demonblood getting it on, plus a little bit of something else, depending on what abilities were present. The Angelbloods being the clever little shits that they are, they decided that the mixture is called a Fallen. We are the weaklings, the useless, and the expendable. We don't matter to them, and probably never will. Think about the slaves in the human's history. That's us. Though humans died out thousands of years ago, they have taught us many things. Well, they obviously didn't teach us anything, but we know what was done.

We're also not very popular with any other species. Meaning any other breed of shapeshifter, the Fae, any of the Elven clans or hybrids, or anyone in the werewolf communities.

There are many different breeds of what the humans once called "Werewolves". There are the lowest, and weakest, breed, called Mooners. They are the traditional examples of what humans thought us to be. The wolf-like creature that stands on two legs, face elongated, and fur sprouted all over our skin. The ones who only change by the full moon. I can see their heir a few feet from me, and, boy, is that one impressive sneer. Must believe that I can't whoop her ass.

Then come to the Lupeia. They shift all the way into wolves. They are the size of regular wolves, the normal Canis Lupus kind, that roam the Earth. Then, bigger than the Lupeia, are the Red- and Bluebloods. Yes, they do bleed those colors. They hate each other. Much like the Angelbloods and Demonbloods. The Angelbloods and their "evil" counterparts are next on our list. The only wolves stronger than them are the Archs. They have wings, special gifts aside from shifting into an animal, and they are about the size of a Clydesdale. A big one.

Every level of breed is stronger than the last.

Then there are your Fairies or Fae, depending on which clan you are talking to, the Sprites, and the Elves. Think of all of the supernatural beings that you have ever heard of, they all exist. We all live together in tense harmony.

Because a Fallen is a half breed, we aren't accepted anywhere. We are thought of as weak because only a full blood could have any power. Well, unless you come from some other species. We are the only hybrid that is hated across-the-board. Why, I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure I know who to blame.

Therefore, we are easily disregarded as foot soldiers, as something to be thrown at an unbeatable enemy, to wear them down, before they send in the actual soldiers.

Fun, right?

Res pulls me from my thoughts by grabbing my wrist and turning me to face him. Since we had no idea where to go, and the map was all but useless, we decided to follow the mass of students who all seemed to be going to the same place.

When he pulls me to the side of the long hallway, I look up at his face, questioning him with my eyes.

"Are you okay?" His eyes rake themselves across my face, looking for any sign that I'm not, in fact, okay.

"I'm fine. Just a bit overwhelmed with the number of assholes currently surrounding me. That's all." I give him a small smile, making sure to have it reach my eyes.

He searches my green eyes for anything that would say the opposite of what I just said. "Then let's get our butts into that gym. Who knows what the punishment for being late is."

You know that moment when you walk into a room and the conversations stop immediately? If you haven't experienced it, let me tell you, it sucks. Not only did they stop talking, but in almost perfect unison, every head within the gym turn our way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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