The Secret and Start

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Skales finally caught up with Eclipse, they were at this beautiful area of the forest where there were lots of different flowers,plants and not that much pokemons in it. It was even close to the Altar of the Moone, which made it more interesting since Skales though of it that this would be Eclipse's alone-time place. "Skales, remember before i was a helpless Cosmog? You were thinking... 'How did i become the legendary pokemon known as Lunala now?'... I'll tell you now. Go ahead and take a seat. Just dont sit on the galaxy flowers!" Skales nearly sat on some random flowers, not knowing what the galaxy flower looks like,he fell on the ground face first as he avoided sitting on the flowers, getting up. He looked at Eclipse. "Galaxy flowers?" "Yes. These flowers remind me of the sky during nightime. And some can change during the day time." She turned her back and pushed away some bushes, revealing the galaxy flowers to skales. Theres probably 50 or more of those things! But they were different... Almost all of them were bright like the daylight of the sky, not like the way a galaxy if suppose to look like. "Why are they..." Eclipse looked at Skales, looking almost angry at something to the point she blew the bushes back to hiding the flowers with force. "Its because of Solar... They all adore his precious light, but not mine... Even the stupid flowers love his light! They would even die without his light! But these kinds of galaxy flowers are called Solar Flowers."
"Sounds kinda funny since they have Solars name." Skales began to laugh as Eclipse looked at him with a serious face as Skales stopped. "Anywho, back to the story. Stop being so... You and start sitting down." As Skales started to relax on the ground, Eclipse began. "I wasnt always a helpless Cosmog. I was once a Lunala like now. I
The guardian of the alola region during the night." "Really!?" Skales said in suprise. "Yes, really... But before, the Aether foundation started to create this creature to defeat Ultra Beasts and manage to change its type... They made 2 just incase the first one would fail. The first one went on a rampage and nearly destroyed the whole place! But then in order to prevent anything from getting worse. They made it wore a mask to hold its uncontrollable power from doing any harm... Then they called the failed experiment-"
"Type: Null..." Eclipse looked at Skales with suprise as its like he heard the story before. "Yes... Indeed, that certain pokemon belongs to master Gladion now and they had a strong bond. To make things better, he broke free from his mask and can finally control his powers, then master Gladion gave the name Silvally to the new pokemon he saw right before his eyes. But that Type: Null didnt escape, the 2nd one is quite shocking. The 2nd one was a quiet,shy and simple pokemon, but they wanted to see if this one will obey its every order. So they tortured it,electrocuting the poor pokemon until finally... He Snapped! He manage to escape the place by breaking the wall behind him. The pokemon dissapeared and was found near the Altar of the Moone, wrecking Havoc to anything he sees. Destroying the forest,trees,everything! It Even tried to destroy those poor helpless pokemons. I knew what to do as it approached me at the Altar of the Moone and tried to attack me. I made a replica of the mask the humans made for that pokemon to control its powers and waited for the right moment to put that mask on him. But when that happen, he had this attack that he can use once or thrise to drain the life out of anything! It can even deform a pokemon from its powerful evolution it is now, to its weak and pathetic pre-evolution before, and erasing its memory of everything it knew. The first experiment didnt had it, but the 2nd one had that by accident when the humans made it. When he was about to use the move, i quickly flew towards him and put the mask onto his head, but then... I was blasted by the beam as it sucked every strength i had, making me deform into my helpless pre-evolution known as Cosmog. The mask was finally onto that pokemon, its eyes were finally opened as he saw the destruction he made. He saw me, the helpless Cosmog laying on the floor, weak and injured. He knew that i was the Lunala that protected the sky of the night, he was gonna pick me up and try to find some help. But he then fainted too on my side. Injured,weak and all his energy drained from all the fight and uncontrollable power he used. Then the people from the Aether foundation found us. The caught that pokemon and found me, they said i must've came from another universe. But no, i was me. The lunala in that form. They brought me in,used me,tested me, but then this little girl named Lillie saved me. Then you know the rest, we finally met when Ally got you as her partner, a special popplio. And now we're here..." Skales looked... Like he had some mixed up emotions. Speechless, he tried to find some words to say to Eclipse. "Wow... Wait, but what happened to the pokemon now? The 2nd failed Type:Null?" "You wanna know who? Just dont do anything bad to him okay? He changed now." Skales nodded as he waited for the answer.
"That pokemon was recieved by Gladion when Ally came for a visit to the Aether Paradise. His name is now known as..."
"Charlie..." Skales' jaw dropped when he heard that name. The Charlie!? The Cnarlie thats calm and looks like he does no harm!? THAT Charlie!? "He changed... Heh, now you know why i try to avoid making Charlie remember all of that from the past huh? Theres your answer... And thats why the legendary Lunala hasnt been around and the reason why those Ultra Beasts are free to go to our world now. But the Tapus can handle them when i was away. I manage to gain my memories back when i evolved into this form now." Skales looked upset about that, being trapped in your pre-evolution? Waiting until your back to your old and previous self without any memories yet!? Kinda hard. Skales went close to Eclipse and tried to put his fin around her(despite the fact that shes kinda bigger and wider that Skales, but i have a headcanon that Eclipse can minimize her size so that she can be kinda bigger than a Primarina), but the Eclipse sensed something comming from the Altar of The Moone, she moved away as Skales fell to the ground. "I'll be going... I just need some air... Im going to the Altar. Now!" Eclipse then quickly flew to the altar of the moone, leaving Skales all alone. "Think Skales, think! Whats the best gift to give Eclipse! She had a rough life! And possibly even now! What should i do!?" Skales began to pound his head with his fins until he looked down and saw a galaxy flower... Not a Solar Flower... A pure, and beautiful Galaxy Flower. The flower that looks like the galaxy. The one flower Eclipse likes! Skales eyes shone as he gently grabbed the flower, looked at it with beauty and waited for Eclipse.
"Hope she'll like it!"

To Be Continued...

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