Chapter 7: Avoid

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Hi everyone! For this chapter, I am making it from Henry's point of view. I have never done a first person story before, so it might be absolutely horrible. Please give me suggestions for further chapters! Also, tell me if you want to have another character be the narrator in the next chapter!
Henry's POV:
I felt so stupid.
That day, when I had tried to kiss Carina. What was I thinking? That memory have me goosebumps every time I thought about it. And yes, while she made me happy and I liked hanging out with her and all, I didn't think I liked her for real!
Her eyes. Her hair. Her smile. Her personality. I could see now clearly that I was in love with her, and I was crazy. So I did the one thing I thought would be a solution.
I avoided her.
In the halls, in class, outside of school. I ignored her. Constantly. I couldn't look at her the same way. I only saw her absolute beauty, a kindness, a true honesty that I knew Alina never had.
Truth is, it scared me. My love for Alina was petty. I only liked her stunning features, how she always looked the prettiest of all the girls. But Carina was different.
I actually loved her. And I was scared because I was too much if a wuss to do anything about it. I started at her from afar like a creep, stared at her beauty like a STALKER, and yet, my mouth could not bring themself to say those three words.
And I thought maybe my feelings would go away if he ignored her more. If anything, it made it worse.
Being away from Carina was like being away from my Marmalade- I just couldn't do it.
Today though? Today was the worst.
I was walking home, when I felt someone run up behind me and shove me lightly, jokingly.
"Hey Bozo!" I heard a familoar voice chime out, like church bells.
I mumbled something, but I don't think I said anything. Not really. More gibberish.
Carina frowned. God, I hated seeing her upset.
Then again, I was the one making her upset.
"Fine, I'll cut to the chase. What's wrong with you. Why are you avoiding me?"
I winced. Oh god. She noticed.
I wanted to die on the spot. My cheeks were red. My face was hot. I could hardly breathe. God, she made me so flustered.
With Alina, I got nervous about what she would think of me.
With Carina, the only thing I could think about was that she may not want to stay by my side.
And that thought made me so scared and so sad. Because I didnt want to lose Carina. She was too good. She was the greatest friend I have ever had. The greatest girl I have ever met.
My feelings weren't going to mess this up for me.
"Sorry-I have just been busy with homework. I'm not avoiding you." I reposnded cheerfully, a fake smile plastered across my face that I knew was at least a little bit red.
And we continued to walk home together, without a care in the world. And for a moment, for a split second, it felt just like the good old times.
Then, she flashed me a sweet, heart- melting smile.
And I remembered why it wasn't.

Third Person:
Henry moaned, sipping his club soda again as he and Alex sat in Henry's dining room around the small wooden table.
"You WHAT!?" He heard Alex yell for again. He stared at the beer in his hand. Maybe alcohol gives him short term memory loss, because he had said that at least a bazillion times.
"I cant help it, but right now, you need to help me. I don't know what to do. I feel lost, Alex. I cant tell her my feelings, but I am scared of what will happen if I don't."
Alex looked at me in the eye, his words slurred ever so slightly,
"If you like Carina, you should tell her. Now that people know her since we hang out with herrrr..." He trailed off for a second, his eyes closing, but then he popped back up. "People can take her. So you should just..." And Alex went out cold, his head thunking on the table.
Henry pressed his temples. This wasn't working as he had hoped.
Maybe he shouldn't have given Alex that beer.

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