Chapter 8: This Has to be a Joke

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Alina's POV:
I cannot believe I am about to do this. I cannot believe that I am going to confess to a guy who used to be head over heels in love with me, and now who is so cute.
Ok, so I dont know much about him. No biggie. That's what dating is for. To get to know each other better.
Ever since that day that I felt jealous, I knew something was wrong. I could feel that I liked him. But I couldnt bring myself to say it. And now? Now I could.
We were just meant to be soul mates. I mean, we are both super hot, and he is smart- kind of- and my beauty takes up the rest. We would have great lives together.
I knew he wasn't going to refuse my offer of dating him- I mean, which dummy would do that?- and I sauntered up to his locker. I leaned back on the locker next to his.
I cut straight to the chase.
"Will you go out with me?"

Henry's POV:
I wanted to laugh, choke and cry at the same exact time as soon as Alina asked the question.
Like, seriously? Did she not understand that she was a snobby princess who expected everything to be hers, and hers alone?
"Weren't you going out with Dallas Benson a couple days ago?" I asked trying my hardest to change the subject.
She shook her head, explaining how they broke up.
There goes my excuse. Looks like I will just have to tell her fair and square.
"Um, look Alina, sorry, but no."
I could see the look on her face. Pain. Shock. Disgust. Funny, if this had been a mere few weeks ago, I would have given anything to wipe that frown off her face.
I guess now I didnt care about her as much.
I heard her whisper menacingly,
"This has got to be a joke."
I shook my head, and I wanted to smile, despite how rude it was.
"I'm not going to go out with you, Alina."
A miniature posse formed around us, and I felt a little antsy. Yes, I wanted to rub it in her face, but not in front of people.
I grabbed my binders, and started to walk away, telling myself that I could easily get out of this situation.
She grabbed my arm, her brown eyes shining with tears, her blonde hair tucked onto her left shoulder, and in that moment, she looked so innocent.
But I just couldn't go out with her.
I like Carina.
Not Alina.
I tried to pull back, but her nails dug into my arm harder. It was stinging, and I wanted to pull away so badly and just get to class.
I looked up at the clock.
One minute to get to class. I was going to be late.
The posse was still around us. Looks like they were going to be late too.
And then a teacher walked by.
It was Mr Andrews, the Woodchop elecrive teacher.
He pushed through the bystanders, and placed his hands begind his back, army style.
"What is going on here?" He boomed, his voice ringing through the halls, and everyone was even more silent than before.
Alina dropped my arm, and I was ready give a sigh of relief.
But then she went and ruined it.
She started to sob, and her eyes, her light, beautiful brown eyes, if anyone looked closely, had the twinkle of lies in them.
"He- he hit me teacher!"
Alina cried, and she tried to wipe her "tears" with her sleeve.
"I just asked him a question, and he slapped me!"
Mr Andrew's eyes widened, and he glared at me.
I gaped, my mouth hanging wide open.
"Teacher thats not what happened, I swe-"
He silenced me, and told me to go to the office.
And right as I turned around, as I started to trudge to the office, I heard a familiar voice say,
"She's lying."

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